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Shikamaru POV

I slept the whole day and when it was 9 pm I wasn't able to fall asleep any more so I went on a long walk to make myself tired again
half an hour later I saw a beautiful blonde girl sitting on a bench she looked kind of sad and lost so I went up to her and said

Shikamaru- hey Temari what are you doing here?

she looked up surprised until she saw that it was me

Temari- oh Shikamaru I was just looking at the stars

how tf would she be looking at the sky if she was looking on the ground

Shikamaru- are you lost?

Temari- what no I'm not! I wouldn't get lost so easily

Shikamaru- okay have a great day

I started walking away knowing she was going to say something

Temari- yes I'm lost and I have no idea where to go

Shikamaru- what is the name of your hotel I'll walk you there

Temari- my hotel is full and so are all the other hotels

so she really had no where to go

Shikamaru- you could stay at my place if you want

she finally looked up again

Temari- I can't stay at your place what would your parents say about it

Shikamaru- I'll ask when we're there it'll be harder for them to say no
or would you rather stay outside in the cold

Temari- you're mean you know that
I'll come with you

Shikamaru- let me carry your bags

Temari- what?! no I can carry my own stuff

Shikamaru- Ugh just let me help you women

I ended up carrying half of her stuff and she took the other half

I rang the doorbell and my mom opened the door as soon as she wanted to start screaming at me she saw Temari

Shikamaru- Hi Mom I wanted to ask if-

Yoshino/the mom- Shut up Shikamaru!

I should have seen that coming

Yoshino- now tell me who is this beautiful lady

my mom was excited to meet Temari hehe I knew it

Shikamaru- Mom this is T-

Yoshino- Shut up Shikamaru


Yoshiono- now tell me what is your name sweetheart

Temari- um- my name is Temari no s-

Yoshino- come in Temari you are probably hungry and it's to late for you to go back home come sleep over Shikamaru can take your stuff upstairs and you can sleep on his bed while he sleeps on the couch in his room

Shikamaru- wow thanks mom

I still did everything she told me to do cause women are scary ok

now me

sorry for updating so late I was busy all week but I'll make it up to yall

shikatema fanfiction) This is so embarrassingWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt