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Shikamaru's POV

Temari- WHAT?!

Temari jumped up and the closet feel down. While Temari was panicking I sighed of relief. Choji opened the closet and eveyone stared at us. I was ontop of Temari and we were both blushing

Choji- oh maybe we should close it again

Shikamaru- wait! no this looks wronger than it is

Gaara- it sure does

Temari- ugh! I'm so sorry

Naruto- why are they allowed to go out of the closet before us?!

Ino- he's right back into the closet

Shikamaru- No!

Shiho- why are you guys so red anyway?

Temari- there Shiho can replace me in the closet

Shiho- Yes

Shikamaru- No. I'm not going into that closet again. You can go with someone else Shiho.

Sui- why are Neji and Tenten so quiet?

eveyone suddenly became quiet just to hear kissing noises from Neji and Tenten's closet.

Sakura- atleast someone is enjoying it

Gaara- they sure are

Lee- where are Kiba and Kankuro

Karui- I think it's better if we don't know

Ino- oh well 2 more minutes in heaven back into the closet

Temari&Shikamaru- No!

Sai- Ino don't get so worked up It will be our turn soon

Ino- I'm not getting worked up

Sai- yes you are

After the game Temari didn't talk with me at all. not even the next days after the incident. She always tried avoiding me and when we were on the beach she always tried finding an excuse not to talk with me. On the fourth day I was sick and tired of it so when we were at the beach again I started talking with her

Shikamaru- hey Temari

Temari- oh S-Shikamaru I was just about to get Ice cream bye

Shikamaru- stop trying to avoid me

Temari- I'm not avoiding you I just want to get some Ice cream

Shikamaru- okay then let me come with you

Temari- oh it's okay I can go by myself

Shikamaru- you're avoiding me again

Temari- I just... ah...

Temari started blushing and I sighed

Shikamaru- come into the water with me

shikatema fanfiction) This is so embarrassingWhere stories live. Discover now