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Temari's POV

I woke up at 8 am being completely squished  by none other than Shikamaru. This time I kicked him off the bed with no hesitation and he was still sleeping. I bet you could shoot him five times and he would still be sleeping, six times he'd be dead, still sleeping.
I covered him with a blanket and went to take a shower. When I was done changing my clothes I went out of the bathroom. It was 9 am and he was still sleeping. Whaterver, who cares. I went out of the room and downstairs.

Shikaku- good morning Temari

Shikaku (Shikamarus Dad) was already downstairs

Temari- good morning um... Mr. Nara

Shikaku- what are you doing up so early?

Temari- it's already 9am

Shikaku- yeah well, that's pretty early for this family. my son and his mom wake up at around 12 pm

Temari- 12pm?! I would never be able to sleep that much

Shikaku- the same goes for me, but I also have to go to work

Temari- oh! have fun

Shikaku- hahahaha work is not that fun but thanks I have to go now bye

Temari- see you later Mr. Nara

Shikaku- haha, please don't call me Mr. Nara, I'm not use to it, just call me by my name Shikaku

Temari- um, okay mi- Shikaku

Shikaku waved at me and closed the door. I waited until I couldn't see him anymore and went outside as well. I wanted to go outside and take a walk but not right after Shikamaru's Dad, it would look like I'm following him and that would have been way too awkward if he saw me.

I finally went outside of the house for a walk and started brain storming

I never realized how much Shikaku sounds like Shukaku. Did my cold go away cause Shikamaru was warm or because I was sleeping. I thought Shikamaru was the opposite of his mom but they do have something in common, sleeping long. How did Shikaku get those scars on his face. How tf does Shikamaru hide that six-pack under all them clothes and how tf did he get it. Can I train any where here? Shikamaru is copy paste Shikaku.

when I was finally done with questioning my life I looked up realized I have no Idea where I am.

Temari- shit

I whispered to myself. Not only do I not know where I am but it was always 12pm and I didn't eat anything. Luckily I was infront of a flower shop and who works at a flower shop?

Ino- hey Temari! what are you doing here? did you come to buy some flowers for Shikamaru?

I became a little red but it quickly faded away, thankfully

Temari- no I kinda lost myself in Konoha and then I saw the Yamanaka flower Shop and hoped you were working

Ino- oh the luck you have, Mom can you take over please

shikatema fanfiction) This is so embarrassingWhere stories live. Discover now