8 just 8

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before we start let me do the age real quick. I tried to do it as smart as possible and follow the birthdays but my brain was gonna explode, so here are the ages

Temari- 20
Ten-Ten & Neji- 19
Lee, Sasuke, Kiba, Suigetsu, Karin, Sakura, Karui, Shino, Choji- 18
Sai, Shikamaru, Naruto, Ino, Shiho, Hinata- 17

I think gaara is 18 and kankuro is 19

this is playing on the start of August
K thanks

Shikamarus POV

You'd think my parents would stop now, well no they didn't, my parents are like Ino once they start they won't quit and while we were having lunch my mom started talking

Yoshiho- Temari sweetheart do you want to go out with Shikamaru

I choked on my food

Shikamaru- Mom stop it Dad help me

Shikaku- I am scared too my son

Yoshino- what do you say Temari

Temari- um... okay

Yoshino-  Great have fun

my mom pushed me and Temari out of the house and closed the door

Temari- Your Mom is- wow I don't know what to say, she is so scary but nice at the same time

Shikamaru- the moment we're out of the house you can talk again

Temari- oh shut up, where are you taking me

Shikamaru- where do you want to go?

Temari- the moment I thought you were smart. I don't even know what there's to do here


There comes Ino with Sai and I have a bad feeling about this

Ino- do you guys want to go on a double date with me and Sai we're doing karaoke

Temari- Yes!

Shikamaru- No!

Temari- what!! why not

Shikamaru- Temari can I talk with you for a second

we both turned around as I started whispering

Shikamaru- I would go with anyone on a double date but Ino and Sai

Temari- what why not?

Shikamaru- once Ino invited me and Choji to go eat with her sai and they wouldn't stop flirting, they wouldn't stop kissing, they would feed each other and they almost made love in the bathroom. Watching all of this even Choji wasn't able to eat

Temari- oh come on it can't be that bad

Temaris POV

I take everything I said back remember how they almost made love in the bathroom well they made love this time, in the karaoke room right infront of me and Shikamaru. Me and Shikamaru left obviously

Temari- the next time when it comes to Ino I'll listen to you

Shikamaru- I'm going to bleach my eyes

Temari- don't overreact it could have been worse

Shikamaru- my poor fucking eyes had to witness them fucking

Temari- geez calm down as long as I don't have to hear you singing again it was fine

Shikamaru- has if you could sing

Temari- better than you but I'm starving and it's already 8pm let's go eat something at Ichiraku

Shikamaru- okay

Temari- you're paying

Shikamaru- not okay

As me and Shikamaru were walking and arguing who's gonna pay we finally arrived at Ichiraku

Naruto- Oi Shikamaru, Temari are you guys together now

Shikamaru&Temari- NO!

Naruto- that sounds like something a couple would say, anyways gotta run y'know bye!

after the ramen Shikamaru paid and we headed home

Yoshino- welcome back was your day fun

Temari- Yeah it was pretty fun but I'm kinda tired

Yoshino- don't worry 'bout it go to get your beauty sleep

so I went to bed to get my so called beauty sleep

at 4am I wake up to something or rather someone I opened my eyes and I see Shikamaru. He was right infront of me which made my face go red just as I was about to kick him off the bed he put his arm around me and pulled me in for a hug. I. AM. INNERLEY. FREAKING. OUT. I COULD HEAR MY HEART RACING I HAD THE FEELING I WAS GONNA HAVE A HEART ATTACK.
since I didn't want the same thing to happen that happened this morning I tried freeing myself from him but his grip got tighter he was SOOOOO close. I eventually freed myself from his grip and threw him off the bed but WE were SOOO close ASEFZDLQHQ.
I went downstairs to get some water while I was silently panicking THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING

now me

um so this episode was not short but anyways for next episode or chapter whatever let's pretend konoha has beach okay


shikatema fanfiction) This is so embarrassingWhere stories live. Discover now