Draco's payback.

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No smut in this one... Just a bit of teasing and a few mentions of smut.

How dare she? How the fuck dare she make her boss look like a complete fool. I'm Draco bloody Malfoy for fucks sake!

If she thinks that she's getting away with this, she's wrong. Two can play at this game and she knows it. She's bloody well asking for it.

I will get my revenge, just you wait. Oh, and if you think i'm going to rape her... no. I'm not that sick. Draco Malfoy won't have sex with someone if they don't want to. It's not worth it in the end. No. I'll make her beg for me, just like she made me do. She'll beg to let me fuck her, if not today, then definitely at the end of the week.


Ever since Hermione's revenge happened. Not a lot of things have changed. Sure, Draco looks at her like a dog wanting to hump the living shit out of her. But she still get's him his reports, she still gets hate from the stupid bitch called his assistant and he still gets one of his massive tantrums whenever he doesn't get his own way.

So, basically nothing's changed. It was a bit of fun that lasted only one night. Something that won't ever be brought up again. Ever.



Great, another meeting! Hermione thought to herself, pleasanty smiling at the familiar faces around the room. This was Hermions's third meeting today, and in all, she was bored. She didn't know why. She's normaly jotting down notes or adding to the plan. But today? She was getting no where. Maybe it's the looks that Malfoy's been giving her through out the week. Its like I want you, but you have to come and get me first type of look. Of course, she ignored it at first, what happened that night would never again be talked about. Even when he called her into his office, she would compleately ignore the attempts he tried at bringing it up, the Look, Hermione. Can we talk about the other night? Hermione compleately ignored him, walking out of the office without a glance in his direction.

It would be like that today, with this meeting and the rest before it. Draco would try to make eye contact with her frim accross the table. It was not happening. She would not take any notice of him. He was like a bug on the wall. There, but it doesn't really matter, unless it was about to lay it's eggs into your brain, by then you would wost likely crush it in the palm of your hand.

But. What did the brat do? He sat next to her. Not accross from her. No. Right next to her. Their knees touching, his jacket touching Hermione's floral top.

Bastard. she thought to herself.


Draco knew what she was up to. Too smart and innocent to talk about last weeks play. She did put on quite a show for hm. But obviously, she didn't want an applause.

He could also see that his looks and sighs have gotten her attention. Maybe his spell helped too. You see, for the past week, any sigh from Draco went unnoticed. He saw why she was so good at ignoring him, it was because she was so involved in the other things she was doing. So, Draco cast a little spell on her he learnt last week. It was to make her notice everything. Even a fly on a wall. Even him.


(Draco's p/o/v)

She can't consentrate on anything. The only thing in her mind right now is me. I have the place all to my own.

Pretty soon I'll cast a spell, then will our thoughts will be connected. I can send her images, speeches, anything I want with this little spell.

The catch? Well, the only way that the spell will actually work is if she actually wants it. That would be brain rape.

//10 mins later/////

Draco looked over at Hermione. Something had clicked. She's thinking about letting Draco in. To let his spell work.

It did. Hermione agreed.

Well, you're actually letting me into your little mind.

Shocking, isn't it?

Yes actually, we're actually talking and you can't storm out.

Well, I can't storm out but remember, Draco, It's up to me if I want to talk to you or not. I can disable the spell.

True. If you do, I'll just have to corner you. Or ask you in front of everybody else. Wouldn't it be better for us to have this conversation without the possibility of anyone listening in?

Draco said, in a sarcastic voice... As if telling her he's already won her attention.
Hermione didn't say anything for a while, pondering over wether it was worth it or not.

Okay... Get on with it. What's the next piece of black mail you've got up your sleeve now?

Even though Hermione acted as if she didn't want to know anything. She did. She was actually quite excited. Not everyday she has a man begging for her to have sex. Even though it didn't seem like begging, Hermione knew that he was desperate to taste some more.

Well, our little... Activity the other night left me wondering. Why? Why did you chose that specific punishment? Why couldn't you give me more paperwork? Or tie me up to a tree?

Hermione didn't know how to answer to that. So, naturally, she decided to play around with Draco for a while. Tease him. Make him come to her.

Because I wanted to for a long time, Draco. Every night so far since our little... Activity. I've dreamt of your cock. Aching for touches, for release. For some type of contact. It's so hot. I keep touching myself to the image of it.

Hermione chuckled to herself. She could see Draco's pale face flush. His cheeks flooding with red. She was getting to him. He doesn't know how much of a kink she is.

Just after that, the boss declared that the meeting was over. Draco looked over at her. Hermione packed her bags, with no evidence on her face of what she just told him.
All Draco could hear was.

Meet me in your office.

Okay guys, smut in the next chapter... So, you'll have to follow to read it!

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