Conference call

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Authors note: like I said in the previous chapter, the rest of the story won't contain the words "Hermione" or "Draco". For the sake of many dramione readers, I shall refer to the characters with "H" and "D/Mr. M" Merci!

Okay. This needs to be sorted out, otherwise we'll never get to where we want, H said to herself.
For the last two nights she's been waking from dreams about dirty nights with D. Her body twisted up in her cotton sheets.

Thankfully, this morning was Monday, the start of the work week. Usually, you set out a plan for the following days, checking off tasks that needs completing.

H knew that one task had to be top priority.

She entered work in an ordered fashion. Usually before everyone else arrived so she could get the most done in her free morning.

Mondays consists of reading over reports and handing down tasks that need to be completed to Mr. M.

Ministry of magic
Tasks to be completed by Mr. Draco Lucius Malfoy by the end of workweek #no. 32
Conference call w/ Ms. Hermione Granger in room no. #543 North East. Urgent case.
Read through of the Giant's trust, author:- Mr. Snobelle dungwoffle.
meeting w/ Bulkin greyhound about the teacup situation in South East China.

After typing up the priority files, H strides into D's office. Laying the card clad papers on his mahogany desk, trimmed with slytherin green leather.

As usual, D wasn't there. He usually isn't this early, preferring to cherish an extra 30 mins in bed before the thought of work dashed across his mind.

Taking advantage of the D free office, H took in the small details of his grand office. The black fireplace, adorned with scraps of silver in the shape of a snake. The ornaments that belonged to wizards before him, scattered around his room.

H noticed a small detail. He had no pictures, his room office bare of any smiles.

"Enjoying the view, Granger?"

H jumped from where she was standing. Swivelling around to catch the grey eyes of the man in the doorway. His blond hair shining silver in the artificial light.

"Just putting your documents on your desk," she announced. "I can see you're late, once again," she declared while waking towards the door.

In one graceful move, D stood in her way. One hand leaning against the pillar.

"Now now, Granger," he drawled, "you know better than to speak to your boss like that."

H, who found herself looking at his chest, tightened her chin and bore her eyes into his.

"That's strange, since I'm fucking my boss?"

D looked at her. Never letting her eyes go, and side steps once again to let her through.

Giving a sigh and combing his hand through his hair, he melted into his office chair and made his way through the mountains of papers collected on his desk.

Reaching for the priority list, he stopped short when he read the top task
"Conference call w/ Ms. Hermione Granger in room no. #543 North East. Urgent case."

Furrowing his brows, with his mood snapping from extreme boredom to confusion, he reached his wand.

Casting a quick spell, he wandered into h's mind once again.

So, a conference call??

Hearing the deep rumble of his voice in her head, he bolted upright in her chair.

Before she could collect herself, a familiar figure was standing in her doorway.

"Granger" he said, with a nod and a hint of a smirk.

Collecting herself, she stood up, dusted down her dress and looked him in the eyes.

"Malfoy. I see you've reviewed this week's tasks," said, walking around her desk, coming face to face with the figure looming in her doorway.

"You're correct," he said, while walking around H and settling himself into the chair facing the large comfort of H's armchair.

Open mouthed at his casual entrance, H stepped gingerly to her seat. Head down in casual embarrassment as she shuffled through her papers in search of a fresh piece of parchment and her quill.

"So, what is the topic of discussion today," D said wonderingly.
"I think we both know what that is," H gingerly said, still not looking up. "We need to take our..." she paused, collecting her words, " in a more professional setting" she stammered, swallowing hard. She didn't know why she was so intimidated by this conversation, bloody hell! She tied him up for fucks sake! Albeit he wanted it.

"I agree. The previous arrangement has been quite... frustrating" he said, never taking his eyes away from hers.

It felt unnatural for H to discuss this matter in such an adept way. Never in a million years did either think that they'd have this conversation, especially with each other.

"I suggest taking this back to one of our places, preferably mine," D announced, breaking the tense moment of silence. "I can take you home after work tonight.... if you'd like?"

H never seen D speak in such a lost way, not knowing what to do about their predicament. It was rare that D didn't know what to do in situations.

Eventually, H decided to speak up.

"I don't feel as though that would be appropriate, Mr. Malfoy" she formally said, "since your manor is known as a place of work, not luxury."

D pondered at what she said for a moment. When she finally looked up at him to see his reaction, he noticed a spark of anxiety in her eyes.

"Of course, Ms. Granger," he said while bowing his head, "wherever you feel the most comfortable."

"I'd feel more comfortable if this wasn't so... formal." She looked down at her desk once more, fidgeting under the desk.

"Well, Granger. You did mention that this was a conference call," D idly said while picking up a clean quill and swirling the feathers in his hand. "I did imagine it would be quite formal."

He leaned forward and placed his arms on her desk, looking up and locking his eyes with hers. A moment of calm silence crossed them.

"8:30pm at mine. Bring food." She said in a fluster, gathering her papers, "I have a meeting with Bruixe Buffle. Good day, Mr. Malfoy."

Wrote this on the toilet, next chapter will be smut I promise. Idk what my plan is for this series anymore so just gimmie ideas on what you want

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