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Draco woke in a daze, questions rose in his mind.

"Shit" he mumbled in a sleepy voice.

Where am I? Draco thought as his mind came up from the sleepy daze.

"Hello?" He yelled. Draco tried to move, but found that his hands and feet had been tied up in silk bounds.

"What the fuck?" he whispered confusingly. He noticed he'd been tied up to a luxury wooden bed with emerald green satin sheets...naked...with a very prominent erection.

"Hello!" Draco said again in a nervous voice as he tried too struggle free from his bounds. "Some one untie me this instant!" He shouted in a menacing voice, the kind of voice he used to scare off the freshmen in the office.

"Hello, Malfoy."

Draco knew that voice from anywhere. The voice of an insufferable know it all bookworm.

"Granger" he said in the same menacing tone. "Untie me now."

"Hmm" Hermione said, while tapping her finger on her cheek. "No"

"Granger" he said, in a tone mixed with anger, and evil. "Untie me, other wise you'll get fired"

"Well you see Malfoy, I think that you might enjoy this. Even if it is revenge" Hermione said revenge in the same menacing tone as Draco's.

"Revenge?" he said "Revenge for what? he asked again confused.

"You don't know?" Hermione asked.

"No I bloody well don't"

"Well let's see if anything will come to mind?" Hermione said in a deathly tone "Calling me Mudblood all my life, bulling me through school and now work, bitching to me, calling my friends names, being a stuck up twat all your life, bossing me about, bossing everyone in work about, threatening people with empty threats... may I go on?"

Draco could just lie there speechless, mouth hanging open, staring at the woman beside him.

"Ring a bell?" Hermione said sarcastically.

"I get all that, and why your angry, but what has that got too do with me tied to a bed, also with quite a prominent show down below..." Draco said indicating with his eyes to his crotch.

"I may have made you drink a potion which I gave you in that drink I bought, it's got a type of Viagra in it. But, it only activates if you actually want to have sex with me. So. Have you been fantasying about me?"

"M-maybe?" Draco replied, worried if he was about to be punished for it.

Hermione chuckled slightly.
"Would you like me to sort out your little dilemma for you?"

Draco nodded his head slightly, still not believing what was happening.

Before Draco could say anything, her hand darted out to grasp his manhood making him gasp.

"I've got too say Draco, you have got some junk." Hermione said before, pumping her hand up and down his shaft causing him too moan and throw his head back.

"You're 'gunna cum for me tonight, and come hard"

Hermione let go of him, Draco moaned a moan of protest before she undid her green silk nightgown the same as the bed sheets. Underneath she wore a dark green coset with a black lace covering, which showed her damp, dark green panties. It showed her long legs leading up to her curves and breasts... (which were almost spilling over the top of the corset)

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