Chapter 1: The Lavender Phoenix and the Green Kitsune

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Club Centuria.
The club was silent, as there was only one person there: a lavender Phoenix named Azar.
Azar had white and lavender purple feathers, a wizard hat and staff, and clouds of smoke on her tail feathers.
Azar was reading a book about potions, with a cup of tea on the bar table.
As she reached to take a sip of her tea, she found someone sitting on the other side of the bar, which surprised her. Who comes to Centuria this late, when no one is here? she thought. She then realized her hypocrisy, and chuckled. Oh, wait. I should be asking that to myself.
She looked at the newcomer. A white and green kitsune, young adult he looked like. He was reading a book about exotic plants, not found in the three expanses of Feral.
More importantly, Azar could see his Spark, which had a crack all the way through its center. She was in slight surprise, seeing the crack. A cracked Spark? What could've happened to him?
The kitsune glanced over, seeing someone else at the bar. He then looked back at his book, trying to avoid eye contact. He had a feeling she saw his Spark, however, and felt like she would point it out.
Azar felt she was disturbing him and his privacy. She didn't want to be rude and stare, but he was quite a peculiar sight indeed. She didn't know how to react to him. She did feel bad for him, though; she didn't know how having a cracked Spark would feel.
The kitsune's Spark then surged with energy. He then winced in pain, putting a paw on his spark, making a sound of distress.
Azar heard his sound of pain, and lowered her book, looking at him. "Are... are you okay, sir?" She asked, concerned.
The kitsune looked at her. He looked around, confused. Is she... talking to me? He thought. He pointed at himself for clarification.
She nodded slowly.
"Y-Yes. I'm fine, it's just a headache." Just from the way he spoke, Azar could tell this kitsune wasn't the sociable type.
Sounds like he's in pain. Could I use some of my magic to help him? Azar didn't like seeing anyone in pain.
As he tried to reach his book, it slipped out of his paws, sliding behind the counter of the bar. "Dang it." He silently let out.
Azar noticed it, and walked behind the bar, picking up the book. The poor guy. He seems like a mess today. She put it back on the counter, in front of him.
"Oh. Uh, thank you." He smiled nervously and weakly.
Azar smiled. "Not a problem. You seem like you could use some help." She walked back to where she was sitting.
The kitsune looked anxious. Being with someone in the same room. 'There better not be any surprises in store, it will not end well.' He thought.
Azar was reading through her book, and put a notepad to her side. Part of her wanted to run some tests on him, but she didn't want to disturb him. He seemed to be having a rough day.
The kitsune sighed, then felt something on his left leg. He looked down, and found it covered in vines and leaves! He panicked, and brushed them off. Not again! He thought.
Azar didn't notice; she was too focused on her book. She was writing down ingredients that she would need.
"Those therapy treatments aren't working anymore." He said under his breath, with what sounded like dismay in his voice. He noticed the phoenix's list of ingredients. He glanced at them, trying to not disturb her. He looked it over, then sighed dejectedly. "No, none of those will work."
Azar looked at him, and noticed something off with him. She gave him a confused/worried look.
He was confused by her confusion. He then looked at his right front leg, and found it covered in more plants. He panicked, and wiped them off. No doubt she noticed it, though.
Azar did, in fact, see the strange phenomenon on his leg. She tilted her head and raised an eyebrow; but didn't know wether to ask him about it. This kitsune... is he well? Does he wish to talk about it?
"I'm sorry." He apologized. He then rested his head on the bar counter. "It gets worse with each day. And nothing works anymore."
"Hey, no need to apologize. How long has it been going for?" Azar asked.
"Months... I've lost track." He pointed at his cracked Spark. "All because of this stupid thing."
Azar thought for a second, and looked through a book of spells she learned over the years. She was hoping she had something that could, at the very least, temporarily stop what was going on with the kitsune.
The kitsune's spark surged with energy, causing him to wince in pain.
"Hang on, let me try this." Azar raised her wings, causing the tip of her wings to glow. A small ball of light formed on her wing. She tapped the kitsune's spark gently.
The green kitsune felt the sensation flow throughout his body. After it receded, his Spark wasn't hurting, and he had complete (at least mostly) control over his magic. "Wow, it works. But for how long, who knows."
"I hope it'll help, but I'm unsure how to fix what's going on with you or your Spark."
He turned to the Phoenix, smiling. "Thank you."
She smiled back at him, as she was happy to help him. "It was no problem, I'm glad I could help!" She bowed gently. "I've been actually studying our sparks, seeing if somehow, one day, I can learn how to fix ruined and cracked Sparks for those who need it. Unfortunately, it's been rough trying to figure it out." Azar sighed.
The kitsune let out a single chuckle. "I see we both had our fair share of hardships, Ms..." he paused, a gesture that he wanted to know her name.
"Azar, pleasure to meet you." She smiled and held out a wing.
'Azar... what a nice name.' He thought. "Maxwell." He shook her wing with his paw.
Azar liked that name. "Ah, quite the fitting name! I haven't heard a name like that before."
Maxwell didn't see his name that special; at least an eight of his relatives had it as their name. Either way, he took the compliment well.
Azar sat down, and faced him, eager to learn more about Maxwell and his... peculiar condition. "You're the first person I've gotten to test some of my notes on, actually. Healing a cracked Spark-wise, I mean. I'm glad something worked out for ya!"
"Again, I'm grateful for your help, Azar." Maxwell thanked.
"I'm glad to be of service!" She gets particularly happy that she made someone's life better. "So, Maxwell. If it's not too much too ask... how did your Spark get cracked?" She pulled out a notepad.

Maxwell's smile seemed to disappear, as he tried to recollect his memories.
"I... don't remember the whole thing. All I remember is my little sister being sick, and meeting someone who called herself a professional healer."
Azar noted it down on her notepad.
"After she helped my sister get well, I remember her... creaky voice. 'Time to fulfill your end of the bargain' I can remember. The next morning, I wake up with this." Maxwell depressingly sighed.
Azar put a wing over her beak, making a small gasp. "Oh dear... this professional, she sounds like a mean old witch!" She scowled, thinking, 'Cracking an innocent person's Spark.. what could anyone get out of that?!'
Azar examined his Spark closely.
"There are many side effects to this. Some of them are harmless, some are just just a mild pain. They happen randomly, but I think it depends on emotion."
She continued noting these observations down.
"And one of them is rather... unfortunate." He said 'unfortunate' in a quieter, almost sad tone.
She stopped writing as soon as she heard that last sentence. "Would you mind telling me what it is? O-only if that's okay with you." She was curious, but she would still respect his privacy, even if he said no.
Maxwell didn't want to say it, but if was a step needed to help him...
"The spark... it will hurt. A lot, more than ever. And not just me, everyone around me. I've hurt so many friends and family that way."
Azar felt sympathy for him, feeling bad that she asked. "Oh my... I-I'm sorry I asked. Poor thing. She spread her wings slightly, wanting to comfort him, but she didn't think he would be comfortable.
"The stimulation to trigger it... it initially happened when I was surprised, but now, it happens at random, seemingly." He stomped his paw on the ground, as a tear fell out. "And all because... I trusted that stupid witch! Now thanks to her... I'm a threat to anyone and everyone."
"Maxwell..." Azar walked up to him. He felt like he needed it, so.. she hugged him tightly with her wings. 'What heartless fiend would do this to him?' "Maxwell, I would, And will do everything my power to find a way to fix your spark. I promise."
Maxwell was caught off guard by Azar's sudden act of compassion. But he was thankful. "Thank you, Azar."

Azar pulled out a collection of books she had, trying to find any lead on how to fix Maxwell's tragic condition.
And Maxwell, his heart was filled with hope for the first time in a long time. The prospect of him being able to return to a normal life without hurting anyone with magic beyond his control... it moralized him.
But he knew that such wouldn't be easy. Neither for him, or Azar. 'This phoenix I just met... is she really willing to dedicate so much energy and time to help a doomed spark like me? To possibly endanger herself by simply being near me with my volatile magic?'
All of this stress, the strain of him trying to maintain his Spark, and the fact it was night... it started to take its toll on him, and he yawned, rubbing his eyes. Ever since he was plagued with this curse, he was now prone to becoming exhausted easily.
Azar was intensely reading her book. She had a cup of tea by her side. She glanced over at Maxwell, and found him asleep. She put the book away and looked at him, stroking the fur on his head with her wing. 'Poor guy. Must've been exhausted. With so much stress on his mind, I wouldn't blame him.'
After a few minutes, she carried Maxwell to the nearby pillow tent, and set him down gently onto one of the pillows. He then gave him a blanket to keep him warm.
'Azar, Thank you so much.' He thought, before falling into deep sleep. A small, yet beautiful flower then bloomed at the tip of his horn.
The beautiful blossom caught her eye, as she was settling down next to Maxwell. "How pretty..." she silently said. She loved the little trick, even if he was asleep.
And Azar worked through the night, trying to find the first step into rescuing a new friend in need.

Author's Note: Thanks for reading the first chapter of A Broken Spark! In case y'all haven't read the fine print, this a STAND-ALONE Feral story. This is in NO WAY connected to Days of Darkness or Rise of the Wielders. Yes, Maxwell has a similar appearance to Emerald. Look I like kitsunes and the color green Alright? (Besides Maxwell came first.)
Special thanks to CheetahFrecklez for letting me use their OC, Azar!
Stay feral!

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