Ending: Two Sparks, Made Whole

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Azar immediately ran for Max's gray and motionless body.
"Max! Wake up!" She said as she gently shook him. She looked at his face, and saw him without a spark at all.
"No-nononono." She hyperventilated and put her wings to the sides of her head.
Alonna was then running up the stairs and entered the room, looking around for the witch. She then saw Azar by Max's body, and ran over.
"What happened?" She asked.
Her eyes were tearing up. "He... destroyed his spark- to destroy hers- for me." She began choking on her words.
"Oh dear!" Alonna looked around, seeing the spark fragments. "Quickly! Grab his spark fragments! We might be able to piece them together! Assuming they haven't run out of light, at that." Alonna went around and grabbed some.
Azar flew around and some more.
Alonna took all the pieces and began welding them together with a flame spell on the tip of her finger.
"Th-that's all of them!" Azar said
Alonna then put it on Max's forehead. The Spark itself was complete, but had a crack on it.
"Max! Wake up!" She shook his body, as more tears fell. She couldn't lose him, not the spark she confessed her feeling to. She was hoping she wouldn't have to say goodbye to him like this. "Max..."
Then, one of the flower petals on Max's horn chipped off of it, and landed next to a bottle of spark energy with his name on it. Alonna grabbed it and gave it to Azar. "Here! Use this!"
Azar quickly yet carefully poured the energy on the crack of the nearly entirely black spark until it was empty.
"Is-is it working? Is he alive?" Azar asked.
"...I... don't think it worked..." Alonna said, despaired.
"No. No... Max..." her eyes welded up with tears as she sat down to him.

"I'm sorry, Maxwell. About all the pain you had to suffer through... but I'm glad, that I got to meet you. To help you. And I felt even more glad... to have loved you." She wrapped her wing around Max's body.
Alonna herself shed a few rather hot tears, in sympathy for the fallen kitsune. She bowed her head in respect.
Azar didn't want to move. She didn't want to do anything, even... she just wanted Max to be with her again.
"Oh, Max..." she said as she rested her beak on his head, following with her silently sobbing out of grief.


While she was crying, she could feel something. Azar felt something moving. She raised her head and looked where it was coming from.
Max's paw... it was moving. Moving it until found the end of Azar's wing, stopping there, looking like holding hands.
Alonna raised her head and opened her eyes, seeing Max's gray fur, now with green in it.
Azar tearfully saw his paw holding the end of her wing, and the gray fur regaining its color. She looked at Max's face.
His eyes opened up and he looked at Azar. No words passed his lips, only a smile.

Azar gasped and her tears turned to those of joy. "Maxwell!" She immediately hugged him with her wings as more tells fell.
"Hey, Azar." He said and smiled, which faded away quickly as he began crying and quietly sobbing himself. "I'm sorry." He let out through his tears.
"There's nothing to be sorry for, Max." She said through her own tears.
"I... hurt you, though. I made you suffer, and I-" he choked on his words before Azar shushed him gently.
"Don't be sorry. You saved me, and you're alive. We're alive, and no cracked spark or anything."
Maxwell gave into the hug and wrapped his paws around her. He took a deep exhale and eased himself. Azar nuzzled her beak on his head.
Alonna smiled, happy for the two. She wiped away some of her heated tears.
"I love you, Azar." He said.
She smiled. "I love you too."


Maxwell and Azar returned to Centuria for a small celebration. Alonna returned to her place for she had work to do.
"Well, Max. I don't know about you, but I'm scarred for life." Azar chuckled.
"I know you are. And you aren't by yourself." Max said before taking a sip of his tea. "At least our lives are back on track."
Azar nodded and chuckled in agreement.
"Hey, by the way. How does it look? Be honest." He pointed to his spark.
Azar looked closely at it and saw barely noticeable and clear lines through it. "It looks amazing. Honest to Aradia." She replied.
"Aw, Thanks." He said, taking another drink.
Azar looked at him, and saw something off. But she couldn't pin it. "Something up?"
"Yeah, just... wondering something." He said as his face got pink.
Azar noticed the blush and was curious. "What were you wondering? If you're okay with sharing it, that is."
"Well. Okay, then. So I was thinking... we said we 'love' each other. But the context of love could mean anything, like 'I love you as a best friend' or 'I love you like family' or something among those lines." Max said.
Azar chuckled slightly, amused.
"So, ah..." Max cleared his throat, his face becoming a tomato.
Azar waited patiently.
"I just wanted to clarify..."
"Azar... if you want to be, first of all..."
He tensed up nervously. "Will you be... my... girlfriend?" He avoided eye contact, not wanting to see the potential rejection she would give him.
Azar blushed and smiled brightly. "Well, guess what." She said.
"What?" His voice cracked in a high pitch.
She turned him around so he would face her. "I would gladly love to." She said.
"On one condition." She said.
"And that would be...?"
"If you... would be *my* boyfriend." She stated, and then quickly pulled him in for a hug, and nuzzled him with her beak.
Maxwell took a bit to process her response and was slightly confused. But then it turned into happiness and excitement.
"Y-Yes! I accept!" He nuzzled his head back, and gave into the hug.
"Be honest, did you think I would say yes?" She asked, amused.
"I... don't know, to be honest. I didn't think anyone would want me as their boyfriend anytime soon." He said, embarrassed as his ears laid back.
"Why wouldn't anyone? You're a perfect blend of smart, humorous, and an utter sweetheart." She complimented.
"What about looks?" He asked.
"I don't judge people for how they look or wether they're feathery or whatnot." 'Not everyone I know can say that.' "But you are handsome, indeed."
"You... really mean it?" He asked once more for clarification.
"Yep! You're the sweetest person I've ever come to known. And... thank you, for wanting to be my boyfriend." She said.
Max blushed brightly and smiled with total happiness. "And thank you... for everything. And being my girlfriend."

And thus, that was that.
They finally overcome the trial and got their award at the end.
Let's hope they can enjoy each other forever, eh?
They deserve it.
And that's that.

Author's Sendoff:
Thank you so much for reading A Broken Spark! This is definitely one of my more favorite works. The roleplay with me, Cheetah and sarchastic was so fun to do, and I'm glad I got to do it with them.
By the way, Cheetah and sarchastic, if you're reading this, here's your shoutout.
In any case, thank you for sticking with me and thank you to the aforementioned users for their ocs!
See you soon, and stay feral!

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