Chapter 8: From the Heart

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Maxwell and Azar slept soundly through the night.
Early in the morning, Azar stirred in her sleep and woke up, because her Spark was acting up. Even though she had the fake half of it, which prevented its light from leaking, it still acted up, resulting in painful energy surges.
She slowly woke up and looked at Max. She then found out her wing was wrapped him, which resulted in her flinching back slightly and her face getting hot.
She slowly retracted it, and saw his journal between the two. She was curious again. She has a hard time controlling it; she just wanted to see what Max thought of the endeavors that unfolded yesterday.
She opens it to the most recent installment.

Day 100+, Days Left: none
Today was a roller coaster, needless to say.
To start, me and Azar left my old hideout to find the witch who cursed me. We encountered her, and learned more. Her name is Lazura, and she wanted my Spark's energy for a "magic revolution". Whatever that means. After she kidnapped us, we managed to escape, but she cursed my spark further, which accelerated its decay.
Afterwards, we met someone named Alonna. She was some kind of... senri-fae... thing. She was a sparksmith, meaning that she could fix my spark.
But she couldn't fix it, due to the aforementioned accelerated curse. With no other option, Azar proposed we meet with her grandmother, who knew of a ritual that could fix my spark for good.
However, it was actually a setup by Azar so I would be occupied as she actually sold part of her Spark to fix mine.
I'm... touched she decided to do that. But now she has to suffer like I did. I... feel bad. I made another person suffer because of my spark.
At least she thought ahead, and enchanted her Spark to somewhat fix it so it wouldn't go out.
Now, the witch. Me and Azar have decided to chase her down in the morning so she won't mess up Feral in Delilah-knows-how.
Truth to be told... I'm scared. I don't know if we'll return or not. I've accepted the very possible notion that I won't.
In the event that happens and someone finds this book, I have some things to confess.

First of all, I said I hurt "a few" people with my spark. That is not true. I've hurt far many more. All accidental of course, so please forgive me. How many I've hurt exactly however, I don't know.

Secondly, if you meet anyone named Lazura, who is a shinigami with a mask, who offers you services, do NOT trust her. She is the reason me and Azar are in this mess.

Thirdly... it's kind of hard to say for me, even though I'm writing it, but...
It's about Azar.

Azar raised an eyebrow in curiosity about him writing a confession about her.

Azar, She... She is not like anyone else I met. She didn't treat me like a freak because of my cracked spark. She felt sympathy for me, and even forgave me after I hurt her.
At first, I saw her as a really kind friend, one whom I would be grateful to. After she was willing to forgive me, I saw her closer than that, like a best friend who treated me greatly.
And ever since today... I feel something strange. It's more than gratitude, it feels like... compassion, nervousness, and happiness. For her.
My mind wants me to- augh, I should get to the point, shouldn't I.

I've fallen in love with Azar, there I said it.
By the queens that was hard to write...

Azar gasped softly, and put her wing over her beak, feeling her face get hot.
'Oh-oh my stars. He- he loves me? I-I knew it! I just knew it! And... I think... I think I... feel... the same.' She thought, feeling blooderflies in her stomach.

Fourth and finally, I am ready. I am willing to sacrifice myself for the greater good. If my death is mandatory for saving Feral, then I accept it. For Feral. For my family. For Azar.

Azar smiled and shed a tear and Maxwell's determination. "Me too, Max. Me too." She whispered to him. She then put the journal back and yawned, before dozing off again.

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