Chapter 7: Agony of a Phoenix

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The three were flying on Alonna arcane hovercraft. Max and Azar weren't really sure wether it was magic or technology, but they were impressed.
One the way, Azar's bad wing fully healed, and took the bandages off of it. She healed much faster because she was a phoenix.
On the way, Lazura's words still echoed through Azar's brain. Such as Max's last few days... magical breakthrough... but the ones that stood out the most were her words about Azar herself. Lazura said that she could feel Azar's compassion and care for Maxwell. Saying that she felt that Azar cared for him "more than a friend". Ever since that encounter, she finally acknowledged the feelings she had for the past day.
Ever since this morning, Azar felt different. When she first met Maxwell, she felt sympathy and friendship for him. But today... she felt something else. It felt like compassion, except... stranger. She didn't really know what to make of it. But after encountering Lazura and seeing Max in his current state, it felt... greater. Furthermore, she felt like she had a better understanding of what this was, but wasn't entirely sure.
Maxwell looked over the distance. His thoughts were rushing, but were partially clouded by the searing pain of his spark. He himself also felt something strange with Azar and Azar alone. At first, it was gratitude, comfort and friendship, something that he hasn't felt in a long time due to his spark. But in recent times, he felt strange being in close proximity to her. It was hard to comprehend this emotion, probably because he had never really felt it before.
His train of thought however, was interrupted by a surge of energy crackling on his spark, making him wince rather loudly.
Azar sighed and walked over to him. She wanted to help him, but her soothing spell no longer had an effect on him. The best she could do was comfort him. She wrapped a wing around his back and sat next to him.
"Are you good?" She asked.
"...yeah. Aside from my impending doom and this massive throbbing pain, I'm actually quite good." He said.
"Hey, I promise you, when we find my gramma, you'll be alright. I promise." She assured.
"I hope so. Oh, and Azar?"
Maxwell looked at her and smiled. "Thank you for being there in my hour of need."
"No problem." She smiled back.
Another flower grew on his horn, but it didn't bloom. Azar was curious now.
"Hey, I was wondering..."
"Those flowers on your horns... I've been wondering, why do they bloom?" She asked.
"Hmm. I'm not entirely sure myself." He said, picking one off. "As far as I'm aware, I think they only do that when you do something nice to me."
"Yeah. And I also think it also happens when your compassionate to me, and I feel the- ...same." Max jumped slightly before he finished. He looked away as his face got pink.
Now he understands.
"Hmm. When I care for him, and he feels the same." She mumbled to herself. "When I care for him and he-" she froze in realization.
Now she understands.
She finally understood the feelings she was experiencing before. Her initial thoughts were correct.
'I think I finally get it.' They both thought.
'Yep, it's confirmed. I gotta face the facts. I've fallen in love with her.' Max thought, his face getting pink.
'But do I really feel the same about him?' Azar thought.
Alonna turned her head around and looked at the two, and saw them looking away with pink faces. She could easily tell what that meant. Easily. She smiled slightly at that.
"Hey, Azar." She called.
"Y-yeah?" Azar snapped out of her thoughts and walked over.
"That where we got to go?" Alonna pointed at a small house.
"Yep! That's it! Set us down there!" Azar exclaimed.

A minute later, Alonna set the ship down on the ground, away from the house. The trio then walked towards it.
The house looked quite old, indeed. It looked like it would come apart any minute. From inside, the cluckings of Pickens could be heard.
Azar took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
"Okay, this could get intense." Alonna said.
An old, similarly colored phoenix with some gray feathers opened the door.
"Hey, gramma, how you doing?" Azar smiled and began.
"...what? Too good for the doorbell nowadays?" She said as she closed the door.
"...uh." Max raised his paw in confusion.
"Use the doorbell." The gramma said from inside.
Azar looked to the side of door, shrugged and pushed the button.
She could hear the bell ring inside, and also hear the Pickens squawk bloody murder.
She opened the door again and crush hugged Azar. "Oh, it's been too long, dear! Good to see you, again!" She said.
"Ack! Okayokayokay!" Azar said, being crushed.
"And who are your friends here?" The gramma asked.
"That's Alonna, sparksmith." Azar pointed at her. "This is Maxwell. And he's-"
The gramma then got up close in his face, and examined his entire body. "Uh... is this normal?" He was concerned.
The old bird then nodded. "Good choice, Azzy." She said, nudging her granddaughter slightly.
"W-What? Look, gramma, we need your help to fix him. You see his-"
"Spark! Yes, I saw it. Very cracked, indeed. Haven't seen one in years. Come on in, come on in."
Alonna walked in first, followed by Azar then Maxwell.
"You're a lucky lad, you." Max heard the gramma whisper to him. He stopped, processed what she tried to say, realized, then blushed.

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