Chapter 4: Tick Tock, Kitsune

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The next morning...
The two sparks were still asleep, peacefully.
Azar drowsily woke up first, and yawned. She then saw that her good wing was wrapped around Maxwell.
She noticed and quickly pulled her wing back, looking nervous.
"Good morning, Max." She whispered to him. He remained silent. He was still out of it.
The Phoenix smiled, and got out of the bed from the bottom of it. She didn't try to step over him, cause that might wake him.
She walked around, and lit up the plumes of smoke on her tail feathers. She saw Max's peaceful face, and his cracked spark, remembering why she was helping him. She walked up to him and adjusted the covers of the bed to cover him more. She smiled at the small flowers on his horns, and turned around.
"Time to get researching." She said, putting on her hat. She began walking towards the door, but something caught her eye.
On the nightstand was a book with an unmarked cover and a quill next to it. She didn't remember it last night.
"Hmm..." Azar was curious, so she gently picked it up, and opened it, looking at the first page.

Day 1 - Days Left: Unknown.
The following writings are records of the life of me, Maxwell Krispark, who now bears a cracked spark. The following entries will show my observations and notes about the effects of having a cracked spark, along with personal experience. If you find this journal, and you suffer from cracked spark syndrome, then I hope this can help you.

'A journal? He wrote a journal on his cracked spark?' She felt like she was invading his privacy, but she felt like there must be something in it that could help her.
She flipped through the pages, going through it.

Day 12 - Days Left: Unknown
The medications the doctors prescribed to me are losing effect. This is bad. They won't even stop the pain, and my magic is progressively getting more dangerous. And ever since my spark was cracked, I've been prone to getting tired more easily. I might have to find a substitute... never too late to try therapy.
Day -32- 33 - Days Left: A month(?)
It's gettin worse. My basic motor functions are losing their reliability. Even my paw-writing skills are beginning to degrade, as you can see. The 'incident' has also occurred three, maybe four times. I've burned though all my therapy treatments, and the crack is getting bigger with each day. What can I do?

'What does it mean by Days Left?' Azar thought. Her question was about to be answered, however.

Day ?? - Days Left: 10.
My doctor told it to me straight. My spark gets weaker and more dangerous with each passing day. It's losing its light. He says I have about 10 days until it loses its light completely. When that happens, that ends my story on Feral...
To be honest, it's probably for the best. I'm nothing but a burden. Always has been, even since when I was a pup. I caused my family so much trouble, wether it be their own mental health or financially. Now I'm a danger to them, and everyone around me in general. I haven't seen the, ever since my sister was cured.
You wouldn't think this the case, but I accept this fate. I accept my eventual death. Heck, if I can't stand the ten remaining days of pain, I might just... put an end to it. All together. Prematurely. If any friend or family of mine is reading this, and I am gone, just please let me say... I am sorry.

Azar gasped as she read that last part. He was dying, even now as she read it. She knew she had to do something - and fast.

Day ?? - Days Left: 5
I... met someone like no other. Azar, a purple Phoenix I met last night... she is not like most Sparks. She didn't shun me away just because my Spark was cracked. She felt sympathetic for me, something that no one else did. She wants to help... fix my spark. Needless to say, her compassion knows no bounds. As of now, we're both resting at the hideout of my childhood.
She knows about the effect of my spark, the harmless, the annoying, and the painful. However, she doesn't know that by the time the sun rises, I'll only have five days left. How should I tell her?
Seeing her happy makes me happy. If I tell her... she would be heartbroken. I don't want to see her like that. Maybe I'll muster up the courage to tell my new friend the truth. The clock is ticking, even as I write with cold paws. I hope we can find the cure before my time is up. Because, I would like to get to know Azar more after thing is over.
And Azar, if you're reading this, and I'm gone, then please forgive me for not telling you sooner.

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