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My love for you has always been eternal, Goddess of War.

For you have laid your life on the line numerous times for humans. Creatures that are small and minuscule when compared to the grand scheme of things.

I find it quite admirable, really. I've never cared much for them, they're just another soul in the cycle of life. They're always just in a phase of rebirth or death.

I'm too destructive to fight for them. As they are not my creations, I am not to create. It's forbidden.

The others look down upon me. They're spiteful because of what I've done. But I only thought it fair.

Why should death be prohibited from creation?

🙈 hello there my two readers.

Yes, y'all know who you are.

I just wanted to take a minute to say thanks for the support. It's fun to know there's people out there who read my drabbles.

1k reads is fun. To be honest, it isn't much to me. I had another account where I was pretty popular, but I don't wanna associate with that crowd anymore, I wanna move on to better things. But that's fine, I really didn't expect anyone to click on this book. It's just where I rant.

Also I wanted to say that I do legitimately write. I've been writing an audio drama (podcast lol) for the past year and a half with my best friend (who I met on wattpad when I was like 12 😳). The podcast is actually related to this little excerpt I wrote here.

I've been managing a crew of around 25 people across the world to put it together, pretty interesting thing to be doing when you haven't even graduated highschool yet.

But yeah, if you're interested in that type of thing. Check us out, we're called He Who Forsakes the Crown. You can google it and find where to listen. It's got a lot of emotional weight, it's the biggest writing project I've ever taken on and I've cried over it a number of times. We just premiered in June, but we've written so much already. Our actors are really talented.

I just thought I'd throw my name out here, cause y'all actually come back and vote on these chapters. I notice it, I appreciate it, I think it's really admirable tbh. I'm so bad about voting for things.

But anyways, thanks y'all. And if you do listen, you'll find our other socials, you can say something on there about me and I'll totally respond .

Thanks for coming to my TED talk

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