Episode 21: Little Big Problems

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Lilith combed through Luz's tangled hair, humming to herself as she did. The small toddler chewed on her fingers and huffed lightly as Lilith fixed her up.

Suddenly, Eda walked into the room, holding a pamphlet and dressed in a nice suit.

"I'm so excited, I mean, look at this, Lilly!" Eda remarked, trying to shove the brochure in Lilith's face. Lilith simply scoffed and jerked her head back, setting the comb down and presenting Luz forth.

"Instead, look how cute our little Luz is," Lilith gushed, causing the hyper toddler to get impatient with still being held still.

"She's so cute, hoot!" Hooty hooted as he wrapped himself around the trio, finally making Luz laugh at his antics.

"Hooty, you're gonna ruin my hair!" Eda growled, pushing the bird tube away from her. Hooty hooted sadly and went back to the door. Lilith watched him retreat, and then got an idea.

"Hooty, why don't you come with us?" Lilith asked, standing up and brushing herself off.

"Really??!" Hooty gasped happily, before disturbingly twisting himself out of the door. Lilith quickly covered Luz's eyes, making the toddler coo.

"Hooty, not in front of the child." Eda groaned, making King jump on her shoulder.

"Ahem, children." King imposed, crossing his little arms and earning a very annoyed whine from Eda.


"Table for 5?" A three eyed, blue serpent like creature asked. One of his eyes twitched in question as he held his clipboard close to his chest, a formal tone lacing his voice.

"Yes, Bob. Thank you." Lilith said calmly, better positioning Hooty on her back. The serpent nodded and checked off his clipboard, squinting to Lilith and then clearing his throat, before beckoning the group to follow.

Little Luz was amazed by the site of the fancy restaurant. Not only the toddler, but Eda as well! Admittedly, this was her first time at a fancy food place. Being a wild witch, nobody ever let her in. But now, she was accompanied by Lilith; former right handed witch of the emperor. She had been here many times, all the sights were nothing new to her.

The group was sat at their table without issue – King and Luz buckled safely into a highchair and Hooty sat on the floor. He elongated his neck to reach the table, smiling happily that he could join the family.

"Someone will be with you shortly." The host announced, handing Lilith and Eda a menu before fixing his blouse and sluggishly moving away.

Lilith gave a curt nod, and before she had time to speak, Eda was gushing over the high ceiling, chandler which had millions of tiny jewels, and even the fancy chairs.

Lilith could do not much but roll her eyes at her sisters' antics, after all, this was her first time being to a fancy restaurant. Luz and King were frankly acting the same way.

"Hey, Hooty, are you amazed at the sights?" King asked the bird tube, who seemed unfazed by it all.

"Hoot well I've been here before so it doesn't really bother me anymore."

Eda raised a brow of suspicion. "I never brought you here."

"Never said you did, hoot!"

Suddenly, a waiter with a tan, crescent shaped head appeared, holding a cloth over her forearm.

"Are you ready to order?" The kind woman asked. Eda glanced down to her menu, before hearing Lilith say 'yes'. "Perfect, ready when you are." The lady pulled out a pen and hovered it over the clipboard, waiting for someone to start talking the order.

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