Chapter 14

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It's been 4 days since we found out where the cab took Nari, and the details of Ahnjong's ex husband. The Police have finally interviewed him and have some places from their childhood to check out. He told the police that they owned a little holiday home in Samch'ok and they used to go to P'ohang as a family too when they were little. Their parents are no longer alive, both had died of cancer and due to that the family home had been sold but it was in Sangju. The police have sent out officers to these 3 places in the hopes they have gone somewhere they feel comfortable, or an area they know well to hide out.

There has thankfully been no usage of either of their passports and still no passengers matching their descriptions at any of the countries airports. The police are also checking CCTV footage of the bus and train terminals in Seoul and have sent out requests for information from car rental companies too. Ahnjong's car was found abandoned not far from Incheon airport so we believe the 2 women met up there to travel somewhere else together.

The ex husband was also asked about the breakdown of the marriage and he blames it on Ahnjong's obsession with BTS. Both Sisters have been fans since they debuted in 2013, but it became more than just a band they liked and they began talking about how 'in love' they were with their biases and began following them around the country, going to every concert they could get tickets for and every fan meet possible. Apparently they would send letters and gifts to the Big Hit offices in the hopes that Namjoon or Yoongi would reply, but never received anything back.

Ahnjong had a room dedicated to them in her house, had posters and pictures all over the walls with trinket boxes full of tickets and receipts from concerts or fan meets. She stopped spending time with her Husband and was talking like she wanted to be rid of him so she could marry Yoongi. Apparently she had got married very young and she regretted it, never telling her Husband why. He held out for a long time because he loved her and he hoped things would change but they just got worse. He wanted a family and she refused so he filed for divorce in the end. It was finalised just before the boys came to England, so I think when Yoongi returned with a pregnant girlfriend just after she was available to actively pursue him may have affected her mentally.

"I'm not making excuses for them" I say to Namjoon in a pissed off tone, purely because I am pissed off. With him. I was trying to make a point that from what we have been told about them, they haven't had it easy, losing their Mum when Nari was only 16 and Ahnjong was 19 and then having their Dad pass away a few years later must have been really tough on them. It seems they solidified their bond with each other over their love for BTS, using them as a distraction from the pain they felt over losing their parents and just got carried away with it all. Rather than deal with and resolve their emotional pain from the deaths of their parents they allowed it to manifest into an unhealthy obsession. The dangerous mindset they were already in was bad enough but then the men they were so violently in love with and consumed by moved on with their lives and it must have been to much for them and they snapped. All that trauma and pain they felt caused them to make this stupid decision, this huge mistake and to kidnap 2 children.

"I thought you guys all understood mental health, and how depression can make people change and completely act out of character. I'm definitely not making excuses for them i'm just trying to understand what they may have been feeling during this period of time in their lives. It might be hard for you to understand the pain you feel when seeing someone you think you love move on with another person because neither of you had proper relationships before me and Lori" I say trying to hammer home that point. Namjoon shakes his head and storms out of the room throwing his hands in the air and shouting "fuck this".

Since our make out session in the bedroom a few nights ago things have gotten a little frosty between us. He has shut down and is not talking to me about how he is feeling, is spending more time locked away in the studio and isn't really talking to the rest of the band either. Yoongi and Lori are doing as well as can be expected and seem to be constantly reassuring each other and making sure their partner is rested and looking after themselves. They talk, they have deep conversations about their feelings and thoughts. They are such a strong couple. I really envy that right now. My relationship is starting to crumble and I don't know how to save it.

When I tried to explain to Joonie both of my dreams he didn't seem to understand and wondered how I could have known something was going to happen before it did because the first dream was before Jangmi was taken. No matter how many times I told him I didn't know or suspect anything and perhaps it was female intuition that caused the first one he just wouldn't buy it. He said the dream about the cloaked figure had to be about guilt, so I must have suspected something and not acted on it. I was really hurt by that, but put it down to his pain making him say things he perhaps didn't really mean, but, he has continued to push the agenda that I could be involved and that I am just trying to leave him. That having Jangmi kidnapped was an elaborate scheme that I could use to split us up, and that I could go back to England and arrange to have her returned safely to me there! Crazy right!?

It's so ridiculous and I can't believe that he could think so little of me. I was expecting for us to argue and that our stress levels could do weird things to us but I wasn't expecting anything like this. My heart hurts so much for so many reasons right now. My Daughter is 7 days old today but she is still not home where she belongs, my Husband thinks I want to leave him and on top of that he thinks I could be involved with her kidnap!

"Fucking hell, what is wrong with him!?" I shout, fit to burst and causing everyone in the room to just stare at the floor, not sure what to say or do for the best. We're all tired, angry, upset and most of all cried out. It's been tough being stuck indoors all of this time, the other members are going just as stir crazy. They're even being told not to go into the gardens now because the press have started using drones to try and get footage of them as well as trying to jump the fences. Ji-Ho and Min-Yun have been extra busy. We were hoping that the media circus would have calmed down by now but it seems to have gotten worse with the more information that has been given out by the police because that sets the good old rumour mill churning.

I'm not sure if this has anything to do with Namjoon questioning me, but photos of me and Jimin have been doing the circuit. The ones from England when we first met and more recent ones of us walking arm in arm together whilst I was pregnant. The rumour being that I have had an affair and that Jangmi is not Namjoon's but Jimin's. The comments are horrendous, people calling me a slut, whore, bitch, saying I should fuck off and die and that Namjoon doesn't deserve this kind of betrayal. Apparently I must have taken advantage of poor Jimin because he wouldn't do something like that to his leader knowingly! So not only am I a dirty whore in this situation I am also a rapist by all accounts! It's been really hard to read all of it.

I apologise to the room for my outburst and decide to take myself off somewhere else so I can rage on my own. I end up walking into the gym at the back of the house where I flop down onto one of the yoga mats and scream at the top of my lungs until my throat becomes hoarse. That's one way to work out your frustration.

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