chapter 6

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yedam and yoshi already left the school building and were on the way to yedam's home. they lived in the same neighbourhood so they had been friends for several years now. they went to different elementary schools, but since they started attending the same high school, their bond grew stronger. thanks to yoshi, yedam never felt lonely, cause the older was always there for him. they were walking to school together every morning, for their classes start at 8 am. on the other hand, they needed to go back separately because yoshi was often done with his schedule before the younger.

but if the opportunity appeared, they would always choose to come back with one another. yedam felt so free and joyful in his friend's company. yoshi was his favourite hyung – considerable, kind, and extremely helpful. not to mention how many times he helped him with studying for important exams or just doing some tasks. yedam considered himself as a quite intelligent person with abilities, but yoshi was a genius at all times.

this evening, however, was unlike the ones before. yedam had his head in the clouds – thinking about something yoshi could only survey, being unable to guess what it was. he kept on stealing sly looks on the other, desperately wanting him to start talking.

he missed his voice, cheerful demeanour, and adorable smile.


he wanted to get his attention. the younger used to describe to him how his day went, what he liked about it, what made him happy, or even what was disappointing or upsetting, but this time he remained silent.


he repeated, this time poking the other lightly on his arm. only then he met with some reaction.

"yes hyung?" after that inquire, he grinned at the other.

he probably didn't even realize that he kept on ignoring the older.

even so, yoshi already forgave him, never minded his previous behaviour again.

"you seem so distant tonight. what's on your mind?"

yedam lowered his gaze. he didn't say anything at first, cause he needed to adjust the blanket that was slipping off his arms. yoshi instantly helped him, making sure that the other isn't cold.

"I... hyung, to be honest, I am thinking about haruto."

yoshi knitted his eyebrows, looking rather threatening. he could already predict that this name won't become the thing he would like to hear from now on.

"what about him?" he asked briefly.

he didn't want to offend yedam's feelings, so he put on curious airs. however, deep inside he wanted the other to just hold his hand and talk about anything, literally anything else.

"I am concerned if he isn't cold now, as we took the blanket."

confessed the younger, while looking tenderly on the thing that was currently wrapped around him.

"he was wearing only a leather jacket, and it is cold these days..."

yoshi could hear his heartbeat slowly falter. his yedamie was talking about the other boy with such...

cherish and affection in his voice.

the lump emerged in his throat, so he only nodded. he couldn't utter a word due to the disagreeable pain inside him, so he just held the other's palm.

yedam looked at him and smiled inadvertently. his cheeks reddened, his breath accelerated and it was only caused by a reminisce about how some time ago, he fell asleep next to the boy he called „pretty".

// ✧ //

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