chapter 15

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haruto was completely immersed in yedam's eyes. he leaned forward just to take a closer look, as he revealed what he was carrying in his hands.

the other's orbits widened and shone with billion of stars. haruto wanted to take care of every single one of them, along with the brightest star in his universe, and never let it fade away.

yedam was his shining star.

"do you like it?" he asked while handing the gift to the shorter.

"I... of course I do! but it is too much, I can't..."

yedam started mumbling uncontrollably, wasn't able to form a proper sentence. because plain "thank you" would never express his feelings.

"I made it for you, so you ought to keep it." uttered haruto, suddenly wrapping his hands around yedam's. as haruto expected – they were cold. "you see?"

yedam couldn't help but blush and look away. he couldn't say no to haruto, he had soft spot for him inside his heart which was growing every day and seemed to slowly possess his heart utterly.

"from now on I want to keep you warm."

hearing this confession, yedam lifted his gaze. their eyes met and yedam spied something he hadn't seen before. haruto's pupils were extended, his coal-like eyes were full of admiration and devotion. yedam's leg became wobble as the other started leaning forward even more. his heartbeat accelerated as haruto placed his hands on both sides of his waist. the boy decided to let the other take control, so he closed his eyes and waited patiently.

just as he felt haruto's breath tickling his lips, the safe embrace abruptly disappeared, nice, herbal smell distanced. confused he opened his eyes.

"y-yoshi hyung?"

he asked weakly when he realized that his friend was the one to disturb them. everything turned cold when he looked into yoshi's eyes.

they were so different. his eyes always reminded yedam of the sunshiny presence his friend had. his eyes were kind, warm, and cordial. but at this moment they were full of sorrow and confusion.

// ✧ //

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