2) The Doctor

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I lived in Northern Saskatchewan.
I lived there with my parents on a farm. We were well distanced from any heavily populated place, so when we heard about this pandemic going around, we didn't sweat much.
But something weird was going on.
With every passing day, more and more blackbirds would appear.
Crows, Grackles, Ravens. They were everywhere.
It was late one night, my parents were doing their own thing while I was in the living room.
I don't remember what I was doing, but I remember a tapping at the door, it sounded eerily quiet, creepily quiet.
Almost like a silent knocking. No one else seemed to have heard it, so I got up and took a peek through the peephole. A large. . . thing with a bird mask, large red stained black cloak with massive wings.
I involuntarily opened the door.
"Are you infected"
Its voice sounded off, like a hollow echo in a carpeted cave.
"What do you mean?"
I felt frozen.
"Are you infected with it?"
"Sir, are you talking about the Pandemic?"
"So you do not know, then I will show you."
I remember it turning around, and walking towards the forest my parents forbade me to go into.
"I shouldn't -"
I was cut off when I felt a cold, dry talon-like grip, wrapped itself around and pulled me towards the creature. What left me scared into silence, was that nothing was grabbing me as if I was being dragged by air.
Then I saw what was growing on its back. It looked wet and slimy, with large growths of some kind sticking out.
They looked rotten red, with a weird beige sap that would ooze from a few of the open sores. It was a long while before we both stopped.
Deep into the forest where I couldn't even see the sky.
I remember it facing me. I remember the twisted, agonizing pain as I watched every hair on my body get ripped out and get gently weaved into its demented fabric.
The shattering, lightning shock of the bones in my body twisting and snapping.
But I didn't scream.
Only a light static filled my head.
And the sound of a faint caw escaped my mouth
Words: 371 

I jotted this down around April or so when the Pandemic started to really affect my country
(I live in Canada
)Also, please don't take this as me trying to almost romanticize the pandemic, I know it's an incredibly serious thing as it's taken countless lives and destroyed families all over the world.
So stay safe, wear your mask properly (cover the nose and chin) wash/sanitize your hands on the regular and keep a safe distance from people!
See you all in the next thriller!

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