23)Trapped in the mirror

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It started off several weeks ago, no one took notice of the signs or signals.
We bought an old antique-style mirror about 2 months ago.
It was pretty, the glass itself was clear as day yet the exterior had about half an inch of a foggy coating on it, the wood trim went around the glass and stuck out for a good 5 inches, but had been carved into intricate curves with beautifully smooth floral patterns.
It looks like it could have been worth 1200 dollars easily, yet we bought it for only 40 at a yard sale.
At first, it was the little things, small details in our clothes or distant paintings in the room.
We wouldn't notice them missing, because they only started to vanish in the reflection.
By the time we realized what was happening,
Our old antique couch looked minimalistic,
The paintings were blotches of colour,
Our Clothing had no texture,
And even the pillows had lost their style.
We had tried to remove the mirror, but every time we did, we'd get a prick of pain somewhere on our bodies.
Besides, it was like the mirror was attached to the foundation of the house, so eventually, we just gave up.
And that was our biggest mistake.
Eventually, it started to take details from us.
I had a noticeable scar below my jaw that travelled down to my collar, but when I walked past the mirror it was no longer there.
And when I went to touch it, it felt tingly, almost numb.
And it continued.
Next was the fine detail in our hair, our nails, and various beauty spots.
Everything was still there in real life, but whenever we touched it, in front of the mirror or not, it would feel numb.
Then, the full parts.
I woke up to my feet, ears and hands numb.
My roommates lost feeling in their legs, some in their necks and even their torsos.
We could still walk, still move around, but it just felt off.
The tingling was just barely there, it was more of a nuisance if anything.
After we thought it couldn't get worse,
When we last went to bed,
We all woke up in the living room.
It was empty.
And we were all in front of the mirror.
When we tried to leave its frame, we would hit an invisible wall, and when we looked into the mirror.
We saw our living room.
It was furnished,
It was completely detailed.
And in the center.
Were our bodies laying there.
Drained of colour, our eyes were faded to white, our face was a blur of its original colours, hell even our fingernails looked to be merged in with the skin, same colour and all.
We looked like game characters with an unlocked or incomplete texture.
Right then we knew what had happened.
The mirror took everything, but got bored and decided to take us instead.
And we couldn't warn anyone about it.

Words: 458 
This has no inspiration for it, as it came from a prompt list my friends wrote for me!
I'm pretty proud of this too, and I'm starting to write more :)

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