8)The Whistler

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There's something attached to my town. But it's always been there, since before any records.
The stories that follow it are endless, some are consistent while others sound made up.
It's believed that this creature predicts the fate of those who witness it.
Those who hear it will go deaf,
Those who see it will go blind,
Those who touch it will lose a limb.
But no one knows what happens when it looks at you and talks.
Because those who have heard it, never come back home to retell their story.
It sounds easy to avoid.
But it would be if you knew what it sounded like, what it looked like or how it felt.
However, I had a friend who heard it.
"It's a low, sorrowful whistle that would twist your emotions into tears. It's like a verbal hook that you couldn't get away from"
It's the only thing he still hears anymore.
So imagine my shock, when I walk home only to see a foggy mist of a creature.
It glows like a god and swayed with the wind.
Its body was shaped by the thick smog that covered it.
Long neck to deer-like legs, but the rest was covered.
I felt it stare at me.
Then heard it hum.
It walked forward, and the fog engulfed me.
So, imagine my shock when I woke up hovering above my mother,
crying out her soul as she looked down upon my grave.

Words: 244
I wrote this a couple of weeks ago, it started as the thought of some creature that predicts peoples fate by how it reacts towards them (hearing and going deaf etc) and the main person was gonna be someone in a hospital, the doctor would come in and the creature would be standing behind him.
But I digress! This was still very relaxing to write as halfway through I imagined what it would be like to be engulfed by fog.
Anywho, talk to yall next time!

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