15)In The Closet

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We moved a few weeks ago, and I'm really starting to question going along with it.
The house is old and creaky, several blotches of black mould have made their way through the walls.
What's worse is the basement and the closets,
All of them were closed shut so tightly that the screws and nails left cracks in the planks.
There was a horrid smell coming from the other side of them.
It smelled putrid and our dad couldn't even handle the basement before vomiting, and he works at the dump disposal.
We made a mistake when we first moved in.
There was a reason the 5 bedroom, 2 and a half bathroom and 2 story building was only 27k.
As soon as we opened the closet in "my" room, we knew.
The raw red noose that hung from its ceiling,
Was still hanging.
Was still swinging,
And hung heavily with an echoing creak as if something still swayed in its empty grasp.
And if that's the closet, the one that hardly smelled.
Then demonic, blood-stained fate that smelled of death.
That was waiting for us in the basement,
Made us really regret buying the house.

Words: 193
Sorry for the lack of activity, been busy with school work and had little time to focus on writing.
Anyway, I wrote this a few days ago.
Gimme your thoughts! See you all later in the next story!

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