Episode 21 of 62

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Kingdom of the Red Rose
(Episode 21 of 62)
Chapter Eight: Mana Measurements
(Part 2 of 3)

"What is that crazy old Grim--" Griffin's sentence was cut short and replaced by a scream of pain.

Griffin fell flat on his back and a burning sensation erupted in his left shoulder. He grabbed and squeezed his shoulder and turned to see what hit him. He found an arrow with a thick, dull, round head on the ground, slowly disappearing. Before he managed to trace the source of the first arrow a second arrow hit his thigh. He screamed again and started twisting around in the sand; squeezing his leg, trying to soothe the pain.

Lance appeared at the top of the rock he had been leaning on earlier, holding a stretched out bow in his hand. "Griffin, meet my weapon, Clarence. I use mana to create any type of arrow I want and hit my targets. I suggest you start running. Unless you want to get hit again."

"That really hurt Lance, why in God's name are you attacking me?" Griffin tried to stand up when an arrow hit him in the head and he rolled backwards, landing on his chest. Griffin got to his knees, his head ringing, and the pulsating waves of pain made him feel dizzy. "What's wrong with you Lance?"

"Me? I'm not the one getting hit by arrows and still hanging around. If I was you, I'd start running for cover."

Griffin rolled to the left and an arrow buried into the ground where he had been standing, barely missing him.

"Good you are starting to get the idea, but you've stopped moving."

An arrow hit Griffin on the left shoulder again, sending him to the ground. Griffin rolled to the side, jumped up and started running towards the forest behind him, zigzagging, trying to dodge any incoming arrows. Lance jumped off the rock and went after him. He raised his bow and took aim while running after Griffin and launched another arrow. It scraped Griffin's robe and broke through a tree next to Griffin.

"That could have broken my bones," Griffin screamed as he kept running deep into the heart of the forest.

"Then you'd better use your mana to thicken that robe of yours and reduce the impact from the arrows. Don't be stupid Griffin. Start using your head or you'll never survive a real battle," Lance reached the first tree line and stopped.

"You'll never find me in here Lance so you might as well give up."

Lance raised his bow and took aim, "As long as you are stupid enough to make a sound, I will always find you." He fired the arrow deep into the darkness and it broke through a tree trunk.

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