Episode 39 of 62

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Kingdom of the Red Rose
(Episode 39 of 62)
Chapter Fourteen: Hidden Past
(Part 3 of 3)

Griffin stood up and walked in front of Michael.

"Michael, you must tell me if you know something. You cannot leave me like this. Can you not see that I suffer? I'm slowly suffocating from within. Please help me put a stop to this," he pleaded.

"I'm afraid I cannot help you, Griffin. This is the truth whether you like it or not, whether you believe me or not," Michael wiped his eyes and started to walk away.

"You really are the worst of them all. At least Haron and Gabriel never lied to me," Griffin moved towards the edge of the cliff.

Michael paused, but he didn't turn to look at Griffin. He could no longer face him. "I know you won't believe me, but know that I did what I did, and said what I said, because I care for you, Griffin. I didn't want to see you end up where you are now. I failed you. I should've done more to prevent this."

"Who are you kidding Michael? The Council can't stop me, so you never had a chance. But I know you can help me. What are you hiding from me?"

Michael looked straight ahead and started walking away once again.

"Really Michael? Is that it? After all this you will just walk?"

"I know I can't break the rules, but I cannot let him suffer like this. The Council will hate this, but They had more than enough time to come up with a more permanent solution. They had nearly four hundred years and They chose to ignore it. Griffin's behaviour has escalated over the last few days and They still haven't reached a decision. They cannot keep avoiding the matter. Things will only get worse for Griffin. I hope They can understand my actions," Michael stopped and swallowed hard. "I'm sorry," he said before fading out.

Griffin pulled out Emma and began hitting the tree, screaming in anger and desperation as he repeatedly attacked it until he cut through the thick bark. "I can't take it anymore, Emma. I just can't."

"I know Griffin, I can feel your emotions, and even though I cannot understand them, they have the same effect on me. I say we keep searching. Someone must know something. There must be something we overlooked. Perhaps the Council can--" Emma vibrated.

"A new message?" Griffin pulled out his scroll.

"Yes, from Archangel Michael."


What Gabriel suggested is correct. You should revisit your past. But in your anger, you have forgotten the most important piece of information.

What if there is more to your story, like Haron's? What if, what you thought was your beginning was just a continuation of your story?

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