Episode 58 of 62

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Kingdom of the Red Rose
(Episode 58 of 62)
Chapter Twenty-Three: A Threat to Heaven and Hell
(Part 2 of 4)

Griffin faded out and the glass ceiling shattered. The chunks of falling glass ripped through flesh and bone alike, tearing apart the Council members' bodies. The floor cracked and the twelve statues fell through the broken floor into an endless pit below. The room was enveloped in darkness and the twelve souls floated in the middle of nothingness. Having returned to their soul form, they sampled what would soon follow, the destruction of Heaven.

"We cannot allow him to do this. We must stop him."

"But we have no power over him. How will we stop him?"

"We take action."

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

"Why would Lucifer side with us?"

"Because Griffin is as much a threat to Hell as he is to Heaven."

"Then let us hope he can succeed where we have failed."

"Let him use the human souls he has gathered. Perhaps a human can stop a human."

Griffin faded in and out at blinding speeds, making his way to Lucifer's private chamber, at the deepest, coldest part of Hell. When he faded outside the main door, he found himself surrounded by an endless sea of Demons.

"I see the Council of Twelve has decided to take action," Griffin said, and Lucifer appeared across from him.

"Ironic, isn't it? You know what's even more ironic? They gave me what I longed for, a soldier to bring down the Heavens."

"You think I'll work for you?"

"No. But I intend to study you and put together an information package that will allow my Demons to resist Heaven's greatest defence, their light."

"You'll have to capture me first."

"I'm sure my pets can take care of you, starting with this one here. He has a personal grudge he would like to settle."

Lucifer faded out and a Demon stepped forward, despite the advanced disfiguration of the body Griffin immediately recognized the soul.

"Damian," he growled.

"It's time you paid for what you did to me. I will rip out your soul and feed off it before handing it over to Lucifer."

"I did to you?" Griffin asked.

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