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"In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety."

Abraham Maslow

Abraham Maslow

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Steve and Athena were sat in the back of the quintet. Legs and arms pressed against each other.

"How exactly did it get here?" Athena questioned. "I am a scientist. Not a fighter."

Athena could hear snort from the front. "Tell me about it." Clint laughed. "I am the guy with the bow and arrow."

They didn't have any more time to talk as Clint banked, and with that, they were in the heat of New York and the heat of the battlefield.

"What, did you stop for drive-thru?" Tony jabbed

"Swing up park," Tony ordered. "I'm gonna lay 'emout for you."

Clint and Natasha did as ordered. Flying down the street as they blasted the Chitauri out of the air.

Banking they carried on to Stark Towers. Where they could all see as Thor and Loki battled. Natahse fired at Loki, but all she succeeded in doing was drawing his ire to them.

Turning, Loki fired off a shot at them. Successfully hitting their engine and taking it out of commission. They started to fall from the sky. Tettering as they went.

Instinctively, both Steve and Atehna threw their arms out. Desperately trying to grip the other.

When the quintet finally hit the ground, Athena and Steve finally released each other. The two of them both immediately set about unbuckling themselves as they watched the ramp drop. Racing out, they could see the utter devastation that had happened to the streets.

"We gotta get back up there." Stave called as they ran out onto the overpass.

The four of them stopped in time to look up and see a giant monster descend from the hole in the sky.

The four of them stood frozen in shock, watching as it flew over their heads. They saw as more Chitauri lept from its back. Landing on the surrounding buildings. 

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Steve called.

"Seeing. Still working onbelieving..." Toney commented as he flew around. "Where's Banner? Has he shown upyet?"

"Banner?" Steve questions. Sounding surprised at the mention of the scientist's name.

"Just keep me posted." Tony instructed as he carried on flying in line with the giant monster.

The sound of weapons firing caused the four of them to take cover. Shielded behind a taxi.

"We've got civilians trapped." Clint pointed out. Gesturing to various of the surrounding buildings. 

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