Hell Date

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Warning: This one shot was inspired by the TV series "Hell Date" where real life stories are shared about horrific experiences while dating, and as such, images that may be graphic in nature are ahead so please proceed with caution. 

It's Friday night, and Larry's mood is solemn because Laurent has a date tonight. It bothered him immensely when he found out, and now that this night is here it's harder to accept. He's been wanting to make Laurent his for a while now, but has been too afraid to say anything due to fear of Laurent turning him down. He's had to force himself to go out on dates and he tried so hard to like these other people, but no one has done it for him. No one has stuck out. He's found himself comparing everyone to him, and they all fell short. Now he has to endure him going out with someone else and it makes his stomach turn at the thought of them having the famous end of date kiss. He just wants to get up from his bed, rush into Laurent's room and confess his feelings then plead with him to stay home with him so he can hold him all night long. Kiss his lips and profess his unwavering romantic love for him. He then has a thought that he won't know how Laurent feels unless he just puts his feelings out there and see. If he feels the same then he can cancel the date and stay home so they can begin a romance. If not, well, at least he got it off his chest though the challenge would be putting his feelings on the back burner because they're only becoming stronger the more he's near him the more he sees that smile, or hears that sweet laugh. He finally tells himself to just do it or he'll never know how he feels so he gets up from his bed and walks down the hall to a closed bedroom door. It takes him a moment but he gently knocks and his heart flutters when he hears Laurent say, "come in Larry". Larry closes his eyes, softly inhales then gently exhales as he turns the door knob. When he walks in he's nearly knocked off his feet when he sees how amazing he looks. His fro is big and beautiful and he's wearing all black with a belt cinched at his hip. Laurent turns to meet his eyes and greet him...

Laurent: *smile* "Hey".

Larry: *smile* "Hey. It's been a while since I've seen you with your fro. You look great".

Laurent: *smile* "Thank you".

Larry: *smile* "Welcome".

Laurent turns back to the mirror and Larry can't help but notice how he seems eager to go on this date...instantly deciding against confessing his feelings to him. He then notices him picking up his keys then heading towards him to leave...

Larry: "He's not picking you up"?

Laurent: "Until I know him better I thought it would be best that he doesn't know where I live for now".

Larry: "Good idea. Where are you two going"?

Laurent: "Le Meurice".

Larry: "I love the food there".

Silence falls as Larry just stares at him causing Laurent to look confusingly at him, but also a bit worried as it appears that Larry needs to say something but he's struggling to say it. He walks closer to him and now standing face to face he softly and sweetly asks...

Laurent: " Is something wrong"?

This is Larry's chance to speak up and as he looks in Laurent's soft and incredibly beautiful eyes he wants to say it...but he can't...

Larry: "No. Nothing's wrong".

Laurent: "Are you sure"?

Larry: "I'm sure", he replies softly.

Laurent: "Oki, well um, I need to get by".

Larry: *chuckles* "Of course. Sorry".

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