Risky Business Pt. 2

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The drive back home has been quiet for the most part. Larry and Laurent are still in disbelief about what happened, but also still upset. They never thought that one of their own family members would do something so heinous. Something so unimaginable as demanding sex or pay a consequence. The whole family has shared Larry and Laurent's feelings about cherishing and being really close to family so getting into a physical fight with one of their own and not being believed that they didn't start the altercation was hurtful, and without question, the ultimate shock. Mama and their sister were upset about this too so they also decided to pack and leave the cabin with Larry and Laurent, but before they parted ways they hugged one another. Mama then told them to call her if they needed anything. Before leaving, Laurent made his love an ice pack to put on his face from the blow struck by Sivad and during the drive home he placed it on his cheek ever so often. On occasion Laurent looked over at him and the downtrodden look on his face was heartbreaking. There wasn't much he could do since he was driving so he had to focus on the road, but he did take a gentle hold of Larry's hand then brought it to his mouth to kiss the back of it which for sure brought Larry comfort. Now they're minutes away from being home and when Laurent comes to a stoplight he looks over at his love again who looks back at him. Laurent sweetly tells him that everything will be ok then leans over to give him a soft peck on the lips. The light eventually turns green so he begins making the last few minutes of the drive to their home and when they arrive Laurent carries their bags inside...

Laurent: "You go and lay down bebe. I'll put our worn clothes in the washing machine and get some tea started".

Larry: "Oki my love", he replies softly.

Laurent: "Can I make you a sandwich or anything"?

Larry: "No I'm oki baby, but thank you".

Laurent: "Welcome. I'll be in there soon".

Larry softly nods then makes his way to their bedroom while Laurent gets started on the laundry then prepares the tea. He prepares a cup for his love and takes it to him. Larry had been resting just as Laurent wanted him to, but when he saw Laurent with the cup in his hand he raised up to gently take the mug while telling him thank you then took a few careful sips. He then places the cup on the nightstand before resting against the mattress again. Laurent lays next to him and when he sees the still saddened face on Larry...

Laurent: "What can I do to make you feel better bebe", he asks softly.

Larry looks up at his adoring husband whose eyes are filled with his deep love for him...

Larry: "You're here. That's all I need".

Laurent: "I'll always be here", he whispers.

Larry: "I know, and I love you".

Laurent: "I love you too bebe. So much".

At that moment Laurent leans down to give him a soft kiss then they go back to looking into each other's eyes. Laurent then sees tears build up in Larry's...

Laurent: "Oh bebe. Why are you crying", he asks softly.

Larry: "Maybe I should have waited. None of this would have happened if I...."

Laurent: "No my love. Don't blame yourself, oki? It isn't your fault that the person we thought was family did this to us". *pause* "Oki so we broke a rule. That still didn't give him the right to to try and force you into something you didn't want to do then hurt you physically. We're in love and people in love, people with the beautiful connection we have, make love. If he wasn't so miserable he wouldn't be alone and would have someone to make love to".

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