Kim's Decision

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There Kim stood, shocked. Just having witnessed her sister kissing Scott, and not the sister who usually kisses Scott.

Kim: Oh my god, how could Khloé do this?

Kim walks in the kitchen to pick up her glasses and waits for Scott and Khloé to notice her. Scott breaks the kiss with Khloé and wraps his arms around her, when he does he catches gaze of Kim.

Scott: H-hey Kim
Khloé: Oh my god you psycho! Don't just stand there.
Kim: Oh I don't think you wanna be calling me a psycho right now.
Khloé: oh was that a jab? I'm hurt
Kim: at least I'm not a whore
Scott: woah girls calm down
Kim: stay out of this
Khloé: kim you have no right to even be here
Kim: excuse me for coming to get MY sunglasses
Khloé: you're a fucking millionaire, you don't have other pairs?
Kim: not the point bitch

Just then kim and khloé notice that scott is not there anymore.

Kim: where'd that bitch go??
Khloé: probably scared him off with you're insanity
Kim: Khloé, this is going to break Kourt.
Khloé: just leave me alone...

Khloé walks off and runs upstairs. Kim doesn't know what to do. Does she tell Kourtney? Does she tell anybody?

Khloé reaches the top of the stairs and makes her way to her bedroom. She opens the door to Scott sitting on her bed.

Scott: Khloé I need to show you something I do when I'm upset.
Khloé: Um.... Ok
Scott: Khloé, I've never felt closer to anyone in my entire life than I do to you. There's something I need to let you in on, nobody else knows.

Scott grabs his bag he brought with him, and out he pulls a stuffed Lotso plush from Toy Story 3.

Scott: I'm sexually attracted to this bear Khloé. Something about it comforts me....

Forbidden Affair Scott Disick X Khloé Kardashian Where stories live. Discover now