Kourtney's Response

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"Yeah I like Scott too he's great." Kourtney said not even looking up from her phone.
"Kourtney! Could you look up from that goddamn phone for two seconds?"
"Khloé you've had a major attitude problem lately, Incase you forgot you're in my house and I don't want to deal with a nasty human being in here messing everything up." Kourtney said finally looking up at khloé
"Fine Kourtney I'll leave just know I tried to be the bigger person."
"Well it's not that hard for you to do that now is it."
Khloe couldn't believe that Kourtney just threw a fat joke in her face at a moment like this. She grabbed her stuff and stormed out of Kourtney's  house. As soon as she walked out the door the tears started welling in her eyes. What would she do now?

Khloé's house: The next morning
Khloé was still in bed at 9 a.m. the next morning, she'll usually try to get in a morning workout. Today she felt to upset with everything that happened. She heard her phone start ringing and picked it up.
"Hey Klo! It's me Scott."
"Hey Scott now is really not a good Time-"
"Klohé I'm gonna come in, you In bed still? Damn it's like 9 o'clock."
Scott shortly walked into khloé's room holding Starbucks.
"I ran by on my way here I figured we could chill today. I kinda wanna see what Kylie's up to."
"Oh thanks, I really needed this today."
"Yeah you look like shit, maybe you should like get ready."
"Damn somebody's blunt today."
"I'm gonna call Kylie and see what she's up to, Stormi will cheer you up."

Khloé got ready and soon made her way downstairs to see Scott on her counter top again eating cookie.
"Scott what the fuck, I literally just fixed those from last time."
"Chill out, You ready to go to Kylie's? I'll let you drive."

Kylie's house
"Coming!" Kylie yelled at the ring of her doorbell.
Kylie opened the door to see Khloé and Scott standing there with Starbucks.
"None for me?" Kylie said jokingly.
They all laughed and walked into the living room where Stormi was playing.

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