Lotso Drama

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Khloé sits on the bed next to Scott shocked at what she's just heard. How could Scott view this stuffed bear in a sexual light? Was this normal?

Khloé: Scott when did this start?
Scott: well when the movie first came out the kids begged me to go see it with them. So instead of just sending them off with the nanny, I tagged along. Khloé when I saw that big purple bear in the screen for the first time, my heart skipped a beat. I mean I was breath-taken.
Khloé: Yeah but like... it's a bear.
Scott: I know, you think I'm crazy. Hell... I think I'm crazy.
Khloé: so have you like done anything about this?
Scott: well I mean no. I figured as long as I keep it a secret.....
Khloé: Scott, this is not a normal thing I mean it's not a real thing. This is an animated bear with plush merchandise.
Scott: it's real to me

Khloé stands up and walks away, she can't handle him right now, she can't handle 'this'. What does a person even do with this information.

Scott is still sitting on the bed...

Scott: If only Khloé knew....
Scott looks towards the bear in his hands.
Scott: that you were real, and how hard this was for me.

Just then out from the closet walks Lotso the bear. Alive and purple as ever, Scott had met him a while back while out in LA. The producers of Toy Story make it like he's just a mascot, but he's real. Lotso pats Scott on the back...

Lotso: it'll be ok, you just have to decide who you love more.
Scott: I-I- know Lotso.

Scott sits with Lotso and cries.

Forbidden Affair Scott Disick X Khloé Kardashian Where stories live. Discover now