The Confrontation

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It's been months since the kiss between khloé and Scott. Neither of them have acknowledged it since and for the most part have been pretty normal towards each other. It's almost as if nothing happened. ALMOST.

Khloés house
Khloé at her dining room table reading some emails while she finishes her salad, just then Scott walks in. She was expecting him so it's no big.
Scott: Hey Klo
Khloé: Heyyyyy
Scott: Where's True?
Khloé: With tristian, he's in town this weekend.
Scott: Oh cool
Khloé: Where's your kids?
Scott: Kourt wanted to take them to some meditation art class, I opted out
Khloé: Don't blame you
Scott: So are we ever gonna talk about it?
Khloé feels nervous, she starts getting up to wash her salad bowl
Khloé: I have no idea what you're talking about Scott

Just as she passes Scott headed towards the sink he grabs her arm and looks into her eyes. They stare at each other in a moment of passion. Scott leans in and kisses Khloé, she knows it's wrong but she kisses him back. Little do they know Kim just walked in the kitchen to pickup her sunglasses she left the other night.

Forbidden Affair Scott Disick X Khloé Kardashian Where stories live. Discover now