CHAPTER-7 (Siddhant's POV)

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Holy shit. I am so fucking screwed. I’d been staring at my ceiling since I woke up thirty minutes ago.

Hard. Again. And this time was even worse than the fifty one other times I had woken up this way. This time, I knew what I was missing.
How could someone so fucking hot be such a fucking bitch? Everytime I close my eyes, I can smell her hair, I can feel her skin's tenderness- I could almost feel her touching me. I take my phone and press the number on top of the call log.

"Hello" Krish responds immediately and in sleepy voice.

"Any update about the girl, I asked about?" I asked.

"Sir it's four in the morning, the hotel won't allow us to enter the security room until 7am" he says.

"Tell them it's an emergency, I want all the details about the girl before 7, and tell David if he can't arrange, he is fired" I said and hung up the call.

Who are you and why do I've a argue to know everything about you. Four days. Four fucking days of morning wood, and endless fantasies about someone I didn’t even want. Well, that wasn’t completely true. I think I just want to know about her because I want a revenge, i mean, how dare she throw liquor on me. Two fucking times. I mean look at her nerve.
Closing my eyes, I lay back down and let out a deep breath.

It's six in the morning, I get out of the bed and head towards the gym, it was hell of a night I couldn't sleep again. Everything was so much better before I bumped into her. Usually I burn all my frustrations on treadmill, but all I can think of is her, how she was looking at me from the corner of her eyes in the bar when I was with Sarah.

I turned off the treadmill. Man, I can't focus, I shook my head, scrubbing my face with my hands. God, I'd made a mess of things.

I came back from a long shower, my phone started ringing, it was David

"Hello, any hint what that girl was doing on our private floor?"

"Sir we checked the CCTV cameras of last four days, she came here often to see Miss Ahana and was also spotted with Mr Veer. We are sending you all the recordings."

"Okay" I said and hung up

David sent me few videos of the stranger girl with Ahana but what caught my attention was the last video of Veer and the stranger girl.

What did I even expect, must be one of Veer's play things. The last thing I needed was some clingy woman ruining everything. I couldn’t allow her to have this control over me.

The breakfast went by quickly. It was a usual full of
sophisticated people talking about Kia's wedding. Very early in life I recognised that I was—that we were—different. In the years after, I learnt just how different my family is. Internationally renowned, instantly recognizable, our everyday activities headlines in the making.
Fame is a strange thing. A powerful thing. Usually it ebbs and flows like a tide. People get swept up in it, swamped by it, but eventually the notoriety recedes, and the former object of its affection is reduced to someone who used to be someone, but isn’t anymore.

That will never happen to me. I was known before I was born and my name will be blazoned in history long after I’m dust in the ground. Infamy is temporary, celebrity is fleeting, but royalty…royalty is forever.
Rest of the day went by peacefully, I didn't had to tolerate any tantrums from my sisters as they were both busy with the wedding planners, I don't know why they are wasting so much energy with this wedding planners when they can easily have the royal wedding planners, ahh, but the thing is my sister doesn't want a royal wedding because it's too common, so Kia being Kia wanted a elegant wedding in Italy, which isn't possible because every wedding in our family happens in our palace, it's a tradition.

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