Chapter-2(The Job Offer)

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I get off bed, walk to the balcony, unlock its door and stroll over the glass railing. It's transparency is unnerving. The air is chilly and fresh, as I'm up so high. I gaze out over the rising sun, so far removed from everything up here in my fortress. I gasp at the final glance of London like it's sprinkled with gold dust. I decide to call my brother Yuvi with whom I've not spoken for a while. It's a brief conversation as usual, but he is mad at me because I didn't join the family vacation after graduation.

"How's Susan? Mom and she had a deep conversation about how talented you are and how impressed she was at the interview," he says casually.

"Yaah she's cool, though I don't think I deserve this position, I"ll always be greatfull of her for this job," I reply.

"You know you should start taking compliments, you are so bright and smart but you have some real self-esteem issues, you haven't got this job because of your family, you have earned this place and I'm so proud of you", he says.

"Okay, I gotta go, I have to pick Aahana up from the airport in an hour".

"Oh, but she doesn't like London right?" He asks.

"Yaah but she kinda has a family gathering here".

"Okay, i love you monkey".

"too donkey".
After checking in the hotel room Aahana and I cross the expensive, bustling lobby of The Ritz hotel towards the entrance and we enter the revolving door.
It's mild may morning. The sun is shining and the traffic's cool. We turn left and stroll to the corner, where we wait for the cross walk to change. The green man appears and we are off again. We walk to blocks before we reach the 'Old English Coffee House', our usual.
"Coffee?" A lifted eyebrow
"Coffee" A curt nod.
We smile automatically. The same, mirror images infact . Close-lipped and twinkle-less locked tight inside our individual singhs.
Her tied hand reaches out and pushes open the glass door. We step in quietly, shutting out the noise.
"Why don't you choose the table while I get the drinks? What would you like, our usual?" She asks politely.
"Yes please, princess" I reply.
She rolls her eyes at me.
"Anything to eat?" She asks.
"No, thank you" I nod and she heads to the counter.
I gaze at her as she waits in the queue. She is nothing like a princess, she doesn't throw tantrums like fairytail princesses do. Who can tell she is Ahana Yug Singh Rathore, princess of Suryagarh.
Something ancient hits my mind.
"Mom please take me back, please don't leave me here alone."
"Sana you are a strong girl. Don't cry. You will be fine, and you won't be here alone, you will make friends and I promise you I will visit you every weekend."
"But why do you want to leave me."
"No baby I love you I'm not leaving you, you know the way me and your dad travel 365 days, a year. I don't want you alone at home. Here, you will make friends. Your brother and me and your dad will visit you every weekend and we will have dinners, eat pizza and everything you like."
"Promise me you'll visit us every weekend"
"I promise, now come let's meet your roommate" she says and we walk into the room.
"Hey" a ten years old girl says.
"Hi" I reply sadly.
"I'm Ahana, your roommate" she says offering her hand.
"I'm Sana" I hesitatly shake her hand.
"Hey, penny for your thoughts" Ahana says snapping me back to the present. I shake my head. She's carrying a tray which she sets down on the small, round birch-veneer table. She hands me a coffee with a wonderful leaf pattern made with cream.. How do they do that? I wonder idly. She has the same. It's our favourite. Putting the tray aside, she sits opposite to me.
"Lost in thoughts?" She promts me.
"I was just thinking about how we met" my voice quite.
"Oh yaah how can I forget. You were a complete cry baby" she giggles.
" I don't know how I spent nine years with a drama queen, I mean you are way too far from decent and ironically you are a princess" I teased.
She rolls her eyes and we both laughed.
After the coffee she dragged me to the malls. Ugh, how can someone waste so much energy for getting dresses. As I browse the car keys from my purse, my phone rings. I scramble for it, thinking it may be Yuvi. I don't recognise the number.
"Hello?" I answer breathlessly.
"Sana Khanna?"
"It's Jace Lincoln from The Panache"

Does Sana have a job? To know read the next episode❤️

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