Chapter Thirty

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 Amber drives through the tree arch on the dirt trail. One second later, we're right in front of the Spit 'family' castle. She parks right behind the red Lexus that got here first. That bald, hueless demon and his sick minded daughter get out of the Lexus and walk inside the castle.

 Amber, Luna and I get out of the blue Volkswagen. Instead of teleporting, we walk through the wooden front doors. Niles and Helen's loud footsteps lead us to the red bedroom upstairs. They both plop down on the red bed. Not once do they notice us standing in the doorway. 

 "Daddy, when will those bitches get here? I'm bored," Helen whines. 

 Niles sighs. "They should've been here two minutes ago. Just wait." 

 "Are they lost or something?" 

 "No. They remember how to get here." 

 Helen gets up and puts her blonde hair in a messy bun. Niles stares at her ass and bites his lip. I silently gag. Amber and Luna shudder. 

 Hold the fuck up. Is that man checking out his own daughter? Luna and I share a disgusted glance. Suddenly, that nasty, shiny headed motherfucker falls back on the bed and starts gasping for air. 

 That puts a smile on my face. Amber gives Luna a high five. After every shady and awful thing he did, he deserves it. Helen turns around, and pouts at him. She crosses her arms. 

 "Come on. Stop goofing around." 

 Niles sits up, taking a long and deep breath. He touches his neck and glares at Helen. She taps her foot on the floor. 

 "Are you fucking kidding me?! You thought this was a joke?" Niles demands.

 Helen scoffs. "It sure as hell looked like it. No one else is in here." 

 "I'm surprised it you can talk with that empty head of yours." 

 "At least, I can get dates without using hypnosis." 

 "Watch your mouth, little girl." 

 "You should've kept yours shut, Mr. Clean." 

 Amber, Luna and I laugh at that comment. Niles walked right into that. He and Helen look in our direction with expressions of horror. All of us turn visible right in front of them. Niles stands up, clenching his fists. 

 "Who the fuck are you laughing at?" 

 "You," Amber and Luna say in unison.

 "So I'm a joke to you, huh? Well, get ready to roll on the floor." 

 "Bring it, Baldy," I say, pulling my knife from my black belt.

 He lunges towards us, with his eyes turning red. Before I could make a move, he grabs my arm and throws me across the room. My back hit the wall. I groan in pain. Niles approaches me, glaring intensely. 

 The pain in my back fades away just as quickly as it came. I can't believe this is the same man who had relationships with my aunt and my mom. Just looking into his eyes makes my blood run cold. But instead if cowering, I glare back. This is my second battle, and I'm not going to lose, damn it!

 "Nobody laughs at me," Niles says through clenched teeth. 

 I snicker. "Too late." 

 I glance behind him, at Luna punching Helen in the gut. Then, I turn my attention back to Niles. Of course, he's still glaring at me. 

 "For too long, people laughed at me. Not anymore." 

 "Boohoo. You're 40, sir." 

 "You wouldn't understand what it's like to have to change to get someone to want you." 

 "Because if I wanted to be with someone, I wouldn't need hypnosis to get men to want me. You sound just as pathetic and awful as your brother Phil." 

 "News flash, Ella. I am Phil." 

 For a moment, I'm speechless. All the events from 'The Following' and memories come rushing into my mind. From the stalking, to the times he nearly endangered me for his entertainment. !y left hand is heating up as those memories replay.

 This man is a pathetic piece of shit. 

 I punch him in the face with a lit up fist, and he collapses on the floor. He breathes heavily, touching his cheek. I stand up and glare down at him. He looks up at me with wide eyes. 

 "You son of a bitch! My parents had to move because of you!" I yell. 

 Phil slams his hand on the floor. "She left me. The least she could do is give me a second chance." 

 "Do you hear yourself? You let your 'brothers' take my mom's blood, and you think you deserve a second chance?" 

 "It was for the couples initiation. And Duke was right."

 "You weren't a couple, and she was never going to fuck you anyway. Get that shit through your head."

 Phil lunges at me again, with tears in his eyes. I uncover my knife and stab him in the chest. He starts foaming at the mouth and bleeding from his chest. His red eyes turn back to light blue. I pull the knife out of him. Steam comes off of it. 

 He falls on the floor. Steam comes out of his wound. I run out of the room, when I hear someone scream. In the blue room, Amber and Luna are fighting two bald white men. I raise my eyebrows. There's more of him?

 Helen is slowly heading for the door. I stand in the doorway. She scowls at me. When she tries to move past me, the floor tilts down. Everyone screams and slides down the floor onto the wall.

 I just happen to be on top of Helen. She reaches for the one of the white men lying on the wall. He just gives her a dead stare. Steam comes out of his bleeding throat. Tears fill Helen's eyes. 

 "What's your problem?" 

 "You stole my friend's identity and killed a man in my bedroom," I answer, punching her in the face. 

 "Justine is forgettable. Just a meaningless life for me to replace. Marlin was just collateral damage." 

 "You even treated Alicia's disappearance like a joke, you heartless bitch." 

 "Because you looked stupid, searching for a dumb cunt who got you fired for some cock."

 "Girl, fuck you." 

 I plunge the knife into her chest. She screams in pain, before turning to ash. After I cover my knife, the room tilts back to normal. All of us fall on the floor. Amber slashes the other man's throat. He foams at the mouth and bleeds from his throat. Steam comes out of the wound. 

 Amber covers her knife as steam starts coming off of it. Luna and I get up and approach her. She takes a light purple smoke bomb off of her black belt. As soon as she presses the button, White smoke surrounds us. When the smoke fades, we all get in the car. 

 I let out a sigh if relief. Amber starts the car and drives through the tree arch. The cool air blows in here through the open window. My phone rings from my dark orange purse. I take it out and answer it. 


 "Hey, Nyx. How was the battle?" Alicia says.

 "Messy. But the bigger threat is gone." 

 "That's awesome. Are you guys coming here for lunch?" 

 "Yeah. We're on our way." 

 "Good. We need a chance to say goodbye." 

 "For what?" 

 "You'll see." 

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