Chapter Eight

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When Niles drops us off in front of the house, I get out. Mom just lingers inside the car. The lights in the living room are already on. I go straight to my bedroom, where nothing seems out of place. Good. It needs to stay that way all night. I can't let my window get opened again.

I close my door behind me, and take out my phone. The Selena Stone blog is still open. Among the articles that involve writing advice, there's one about the 'The Following'.

The story was inspired by my desire to expose entitled men for the predatory monsters they are. Men like Philip go from being charming to wanting to hurt any woman who rejects them. Most stories normalize that, and it really bothers me. The book shows how predatory and terrifying stalking is.

I switch back to Instagram. Stalking? The book is about stalking? Phil didn't even start following Lia yet. He just asked Duke to find out how she was doing and lashed out at the members of the cult. I set my phone on the bed and take the book out of my bag. Once I open the book to the marked page I read up to, I start reading.

I appreciated Duke's help, but it's not enough. I need to see Lia's face. She needs to give me some closure after abandoning me. Duke and I had to move back to America to find her.

She was having fun in the park, at dinner and at her stupid hot pink house with some other guy. A guy who has dark brown skin, just like her. Tears welled up in my eyes. But they hadn't fallen, because other people were around. Buné would get pissed off at me for being so weak.

I can't believe she had the nerve to move on with another guy so soon. Meanwhile, I can't even talk about her without wanting to break something. She couldn't even wait awhile?

When she kissed the guy, I ran back my car. I drove all the way to the forest and let the tears fall. No one can see my moment of weakness.

Wait a minute. Phil went from 0 to creepy real quick. Lia dumped him, so she didn't owe him any closure. I close the book and leave it on the bed next to my legs. The slam of the front door almost makes me wish I was in Amber's house. Footsteps draw closer to the room and a loud knock breaks the temporary silence.

The door opens and mom peeks her head in. "What's up with you? You came in here so quickly."

"Nothing. I just wanted to sit on my bed."

"Okay. Good night."

She moves her head away and closes the door. I glance at the windows. Nothing so far. The bookshelf against the wall has a few more books by Selena Stone, except thinner. I can read those later. The book next to me has the sixth chapter marked for a reason. There has to be a reason the book appeared in my bag.

On the title page, an autograph has been written in cursive.

Hope this gives you the vision of truth you need, Ella Fox.

Selena Stone

Who's Ella? I google the name and nothing significant comes up. After changing the first name to Gabriella, nothing comes up. Selena was obviously lied to by the girl she signed the book for. I switch back to Instagram and send a message.

Do you remember giving an autograph to Ella Fox?

Rain starts hitting the windows as I wait for her to reply. Oh God. The one time I want to stay up late, the lights turn off? I play a mystery video from Buzzfeed.

If only I can solve the mystery of how this blackout suddenly happened. When Owen calls me, I answer.

"Hi, baby."

"Hey. Did you miss me?" He whispers, in a husky voice.

He's been in Miami for a week and I haven't heard from him before today. I thought he lost his phone or something.

"Yeah. How's Miami?"

"The family reunion was pretty dull. But I can't wait to see you."

Maybe Owen could help me get my mind off these weird events. Nothing else could go wrong tonight.

"We can go to the carnival with Alicia and Sav tomorrow. Did you get back home safe?"

A woman screams on the other side of the line. Owen just sighs heavily. I hope he's just watching a horror movie. At least my phone isn't close to my ears.

"Yeah. We can drive there together. Hold on."

The screaming stops and silence passes again. Tomorrow, I'll be able to hang out with Sav and Alicia without being a third wheel. Owen returns, clearing his throat. I haven't seen a reply from Selena Stone yet.

"What happened?" I ask.

He pauses briefly. "My roommate turned the tv up a bit too loud while watching a horror movie. You know how obnoxious he is, babe."

I laugh. Yeah. Luther is obnoxious. But there are other rooms he could go to for silence. Suddenly, someone starts banging on the door. Of all times, why now?

When I open the door, no one's there. I walk down the hall to mom's bedroom and knock on the door. The creaks open, revealing her on the bed, typing on her laptop. She stops typing to look at me.

"Yes? Did you want to talk?" She questions.

I lean on the doorframe. "No. I just wanted to know if you knocked on my door."

"I didn't."

"Oh. Alright then. Good night."

"See you in the morning."

I close the door, and return to my bedroom. The call has already ended when I hold the phone up in front of my face. If mom hasn't knocked door, who did? I'm not going to sleep tonight.

My phone vibrates, and a message from Selena appears. Finally! I open my dms on Instagram, ready to reply. Her message is sort of strange.

Yes. She had her friend Ambrosia get the book for her.

The book was supposed to be a gift? I send my reply.

What does Ella look like? Was that the first time you saw her?

What a coincidence that she brought up a girl with the same name as the one from my dream. If the book is a gift, I don't remember receiving it. A photo of me and Amber inside Barnes & Noble appears. I tap on it, showing the caption briefly.

Ella and Ambrosia at my signing. Will never forget.

Amber was holding the book in the photo. I had my arms wrapped around her waist, smiling. Is Selena implying that I'm Ella? My life is starting to become a little unbelivable. She's got more explaining to do tonight. I've got time.

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