Chapter Fifteen

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As I walk to the parking lot, I hear footsteps behind me. But when I turn around, no one is there. I take a deep breath, and get an Amber's car. She drives out of the parking lot, all the way down Cooper Lane. I glanced through the back window, but no one is behind us. Thank God.

Amber narrows her eyes at me. She probably be looking behind herself if she had an invisible stalker too. Of course, her eyes widen and she takes her seatbelt off. I do the same and open my door.

"No. Now isn't a good time to home. Take my hand." She blurts out.

I close the door back. "Okay. But, why?"

"I'll tell you later. Trust me."

She grabs my wrist. In a flash of purple light, we end up in Luna's bedroom. Except, we're standing in front of the mirror. Luna Paces back and forth by the black canopy bed, until she notices us. She happily greets us, and dropsource over phone in the bed.

"We'll start with shapeshifting. I'll demonstrate."

Luna transforms into a bobcat. Amber and I follow her as she runs into a bedroom down the hall. We stand in front of a white canopy bed. She jumps onto the back of a green couch, and meows. Then, she changes back to human form.

"Your turn. Just use your imagination first."

The horned owl from the comic crosses my mind. Amber backs up to the couch. A minute later, I start shrinking. Amber and Luna smiled down at me. I tried to speak, yet only a hoot comes out of my mouth. Wait a minute...

I run to the mirror. An owl stares back at me. It's official. I'm living in a different world. The kind where shapeshifting is possible. I turn around, and fly to the brown dresser across the room.

A Rush of adrenaline goes through me. That first moment inside the Funhouse crosses my mind. Just then, I change back to human form.

I push myself off the dresser, and walk to the couch. Amber hugs me, while Luna stares blankly at the balcony. As soon as Amber pulls away, she holds both my hands.

"That was great!"

"I know! What else is next?" I respond.

Luna brings her attention back to us. "Something completely different. Follow me."

Amber and I Leave the Room closely behind her. When we stopped at the back door, it opens on its own. After we exit through the door, it closes. Luna turns to face me, sparking and amusement.

Amber takes a couple of steps away from me. I furrow my brow. What's that about?

Luna chuckle, rubbing her hands together. "Alright. You're going to throw a blast at me and I'll put up a barrier. Then, vice versa."

"Okay. How do I create a blast?" I retort.

"Hold your hand like it's a claw, and push the light out at me."

Luna takes four steps back. I hold my hand up the way she suggested. A ball of white light grows, until it reaches my fingers. I push the ball of light towards Luna. She holds both her hands up in front of herself, and the light explodes in front of her. I'm speechless.

The warmth from the ball of light fades from my hand. Luna holds her hand up like a claw, and pushes her own ball of light towards me. When I put my hands up, the ball of light explodes in front of me. Then, a blue light ripples down.

I couldn't hide my wide grin when I put my hands down. Did I just make an invisible shield? I could definitely get used to doing this. It could help me out later.

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