Chapter Fourteen

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While waiting for the phone to ring, I glance at Sav. I want to wipe that smug smirk off his face. He's going to get that reality check today. The phone rings, and I automatically pick up.

"Hello. This is Value Village. How may I help you?"

"Hi. I tried to return a black duffel bag, but the cashier won't let me." The caller says.

"Did you bring a receipt with you?"


The guy's voice sounds familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. He stays silent for a couple of minutes. Then, he hangs up. I put the phone back on the receiver.

Alicia walks past me, snickering. She leaves the room with Sav, smirking deviously. I just get up, and walk out a couple of minutes later. I stand outside the breakroom, because Sav is leaning against the door. When Alicia starts moaning, I walk away to the bathroom.

I take my phone out of my blue cardigan pocket and call Amber. She picks up on the second ring.

"Hey, Nyx. What's up?"

"Did you deal with Sav yet?" I ask.

"Yeah. He said you're out to get him or something."

"I don't know where he got that idea."

"Me neither. I'll talk to you later."

She hangs up, and I leave the bathroom. Sav and Alicia block the door to the office. They both give me dirty looks. I wonder why?

Sav takes out his phone and shows me a photo of Justine in pink sweats. I narrow my eyes at him.

"She's still alive. This picture was taken three hours ago." Alicia claims.

I cross my arms. "I found out last night that Marlin killed her. That photo could have been taken before she died."

"No. That's not true. She called us before we got here."

"Whatever. Good luck trying to prove that."

"I will."

Alicia plays a video of Justine hugging Sav in front of the store. I don't believe that video is even real. It's convenient that he's pretending otherwise.

I roll my eyes. Alicia needs to open eyes to the damn truth. Sav's smug grin doesn't make it better. I turn around, and Justine is standing near the jewelry counter. She glances in our direction, waving at us.

I can't wait to change back to my original form. These sweats are uncomfortable.

I face those two again, taking a step closer to Alicia.

"Since she's 'alive' did she tell you what happened between her and Sav that night?"

"What are you talking about?" She demands.

"The statue Sav kissed was of Justine."

Her lip trembles, and she walks out of the store. Sav glares at me before going after her. The truth is unpleasant, but she had to find out sometime. I refuse to let Sav make me seem crazy.

I enter the office, beaming all the way to my desk. Since that bullshit is settled, Sav couldn't lie about me anymore. Everything's fine now.

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