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Harley's POV
I take a short nap and I get up around seven then I shower cause I got sweaty and chlorine on me and it just doesn't feel great. I put a tee shirt on and my boyfriends jersey then I find some jeans and I mumble "ooo, I look hot" and my family isn't back yet for some reason. I go to wait in the living room and theres a knock on the door before I sit on the couch and I put my combat boots on and I go to the door and I open it saying "hey, babe." Benny says "hey, gorgeous" kissing me. He puts his hand out saying "you ready?" I nod, taking his hand and we just start walking down the road and he says "how'd finding Wendy a man go?" I say "very well, she was talking with a bunch of guys that are all friends and she said she was going to hang out with them" and he says "so shes over you?" I say "I think so" and he says "thank you, Jesus" and I laugh saying "you jealous?" He says "maybe" biting his lip and I say "well, I'm all yours" kissing him and he smiles saying "you're gorgeous." I say "we were going to go swimming weren't we?" He says "yeah, why?" I say "were not exactly dressed for it" and we laugh and he says "oh well" and I say "we could always strip for each other" and we laugh and I kiss him saying "love you" and he says "love you." We hop the fence and take our shoes off first and he says "you're pretty" and he kisses me and were just innocently pulling on shirts and jeans just taking our time. I push him in and he comes back up saying "you dick" and I jump in, splashing him and we laugh. I jump on his back and kiss his cheek saying "you're cute" and he smiles, turning his head to kiss me. I say "I'm so in love with you" and he says "I'm so in love with you too" kissing me and I say "you're so hot" moving my hands over his chest. I get down and he turns around, wrapping his arms around my waist and he says "I'm gonna keep you forever" and I smile saying "I'm keeping you forever." He kisses me and we just sway slowly as he holds me close to him making me smile and I kiss his cheek and he kisses my cheek. I say "I love you" and he says "I love you too, love" and he kisses me and we just swim for hours, with the street lights all around us. Around ten or eleven we get dressed or go to my house and he says "I'll see you tomorrow?" I nod saying "I'll see you tomorrow, love" and he kisses me saying "I love you" and I say "love you too" smiling.
The next day
I wake up to the car coming into the driveway and I go to the kitchen and mom comes in the house saying "good morning" and I say "morning" and I get some cereal. I say "where's Bill?" I sit at the table and she says "he went to Chicago, told your brother he's the man of the house" and I chuckle saying "great." She says "what are you doing today?" I say "no clue, probably going to hang out with my man and our friends but I wanna go back to bed" yawning and she says "it's summer vacation, do what you want" and I finish my cereal and go to my room and go back to bed.
A few hours later
I go to shower and I put a black tee shirt on and jeans and a belt and my boots then I go to the sandlot. I walk in and they're all freaking out and like in a panicked way, not how they normally are. I say "what's happening guys?" Scott looks at me like he needs help and I say "what?" One of the Timmons' brothers say "you brought a ball signed by Babe Ruth out here and actually played with it?!" I say "you what?!" I don't pay attention to most baseball players but I know that man and Scott says "who is she?" I say "The King Of Crash, The Sultan of Swat, The Colossus of Clout, The Great Bambino you fucking dunce!" Scott says "that's the same guy?!" Benny says "yeah, that ball is worth more than your entire life, man!" I say "are we talking about Bill's ball?" Scott nods and I say "we gotta get that ball, I don't care what it takes, we gotta get it" leaning into Bennys side and they all start thinking of ideas. They carry on and start getting stuff to get the ball from The Beast. I bite my lip just watching them plan different ideas to put them into action later and Benny says "wait, when does he get back?" I say "no clue" and Benny says "go check" and I say "Scott, go check with mom when Bill gets home" and he nods and runs home. I peck his lips saying "you seem stressed" rubbing his back and he says "that ball is signed by the greatest baseball player of all time and it's probably gone" and Squints says "it's still there" and he sighs saying "good, make sure it stays there." He salutes him and I mumble "just breathe, were gonna do it, ok, love?" He nods and I kiss him saying "ok, go get em, killer" and he says "ok" kissing me and he goes to talk to the guys and they all run off and I say "what's your plan?" He says "they're getting bottles to get change so we have enough to get a ball that we can put there so no one really notices it missing then were gonna try and get the ball, what do you think?" I say "could've asked me for a dollar for a ball" and he says "didn't know you had one and it gives them something to do" kissing me and I say "you're right" kissing him back.

I Really Wish It Was Only Me And You [BENNY RODRIGUEZ]{BXB}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن