t h r e e

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      "Well, take a seat,  i know i'm quite the attraction but there is no need to stare." 

That line along make Nanny Plum flush a bright red. "Oh don't flatter yourself," was all she managed to spit out while simultaneously biting her lip in embarrassment and internally scolding herself.

The pair took a step forward in order to reach their respective seats. In doing so they had bumped hands. Even the slightest touch had sent a fire rushing through both their bodies tempting not to stop at any cause.

Of course neither had known the other reciprocated the feeling so they had mentally decided it best to push the raging desire away and focus on the conversation at hand. 

"What have you decided to grace me with today Nanny?" The old elf said, clearly sarcastic from the exaggeration and indications in his still semi-deep morning voice.

 "No need for the comments Cedric. Now. I'm going to cut to the chase. Why have you told all the elves not to come to the garden picnic today?!" Nanny practically hollered. She had so much built up anger towards the exasperating man and him sitting calmly in front of her didn't make it any better.

 "Enlighten me Nanny Plum, what is it that we are celebrating?" 

The nerve this person had was almost comparable to the anger that of the hot-headed lady in the room had.  An important note was that it was almost comparable. As soon as that sentence came out of the Elf's pale lips Nanny had exploded. Her anger bouncing off each object in the relatively nanoscopic room and returning right back to her making her detonate once again.

"Don't act like you don't know! Everyone has been planning this for weeks and weeks on end! You are just choosing to moron because it has to do with magic even in the slightest." 

"Exactly Nanny Plum, that's the problem. It has to do with magic."

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