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                 Nanny Plum's boiling face cooled down with the deep breaths she was taking.

"How dare you?" Nanny plum questioned him with nothing but a light whisper. You might think this made her seem gentle but you are wrong. Her tone made The Wise Old Elf wince, her voice contained something he had never heard from her before. Emotion.

Pushing all his thoughts away, The Wise Old Elf calmly enquired. "Us elves don't appreciate your magic Nanny Plum, I'm sure that we have made this very clear so I fail to understand why you must bring up the topic again."

"Well I would think that they don't call you The Wise Old Elf for nothing so I suppose you can go and figure out yourself!" Nanny Plum exclaimed with a stern look on her face that The Wise Old Elf was all to familiar with. He knew that the conversation would end here and they would part ways. 

This was how all their interactions would go. The Wise Old Elf, however, couldn't hide the fact that he wished for more. More than what they were, more than their petty comebacks, more than the feeling of electricity shooting between them every time they argued. He wanted more than their failed displays of passion but he knew that it was silly to even think about it. Whatever he felt was forbidden, it would be betraying the elf community and he wasn't even sure if she felt the same way.

Nanny Plum stormed out of The Wise Old Elf's homey room with a huff. She quietly ranted to herself about how much The Wise Old Elf frustrated her. She decided that she had to get him out of her mind, if she let him stay there for too long her thoughts would usually stray away from her anger...

According to Nanny Plum, there was nothing better than setting up an event. Once she reached Little Castle, she got right to work. The party was taking place in The Meadow and was going to be filled with stalls of goods and mesmerising nature. Nanny Plum was hosting a class for the kids to come and learn some new spells as it was after all, National Wand Day.

Once she gathered her supplies she set of to The Meadow to be greeted with the sight of fairies preparing. On the left she saw Ben helping Holly carry the banner, man was he whipped, thought Nanny Plum.

After about an hour of constant working, the party was finally ready. In that whole hour, Nanny Plum constantly thought about The Wise Old Elf. This was starting to get unhealthy. She didn't want that specimen ruining her day even more than he already had.

If that prat decided not to show up, he would never see daylight again, thought Nanny Plum with a stone cold expression.

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