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Wise Old Elf pov 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊

I pace around my room with my anxiety continuously spiraling.

How could I do such a thing? I thought to myself.

I let Nanny Plum and I engage in activities that shall not be said in the name of the good lord. I've truly messed it up this time, with Nanny Plum and the rest of the Elf community. I dismissed her, made her leave thinking I took advantage of her. While I may not be a completely ethical person, I do have some sort of decency and morals!

The guilt is swarming me up now, but I don't think it's because of Nanny Plum. How could I betray the elf community like this? I was meant to be an example, not a bad influence. I've always had perfect control over every aspect of my life, but now? I'm a crumbling mess who can't even speak without stuttering all because some fairy came and royally screwed my life up.

I have to get out of this tiny room before I lose my mind. I take a quick look at myself in the mirror and fix my tie, slowly stepping out of the door.

I walk down the oak stairs keeping my head high, not letting anyone get a single glimpse of what I was going through. When I reach the ground floor I spot Nanny Plum's wand sitting on the cabinet. How peculiar. I pick up the flimsy little stick and examine it.

Suddenly I feel a shock of electricity running in my veins. A cloud of purple, which was the exact shade of Nanny Plum's dress, surrounded me. It slowly disappears and I glance everywhere in confusion. Why would this happen? The countless books and research that I've read have never explained this phenomenon.

I was too lost in my thought that I didn't manage to see a frightened woman running in shock.

Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for the extremely late update. School has been really hectic at the moment. I hope to follow a better updating schedule now. Anyways, please do vote for the chapters if you enjoy them, it would mean a lot to me!
Stay safe out there and see you soon!

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