f o u r t e e n

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Mrs Elf pov

I watch as Cedric hastily exits the door with Nanny Plum's wand, his expression holding so much emotion. I realize that he was far too captivated by Nanny Plum's obvious spell and seduction, and that I would have to act now.

I rush to my room and open the new box of pregnancy tests I had just gotten from the local pharmacy. I reminisce Mrs Barry, the cashiers, solemn yet curious face as i was purchasing them. A devious smile grows on my face, just perfect, we all know that godforsaken lady can't keep her mouth shut so it will just be a while until whispers spread throughout the town of my 'possible pregnancy'... but with who is the main question.

I quickly grab a red marker and draw two perfect straight lines onto the test, showcasing that I am in fact 'pregnant'. At this moment you are probably wondering why I am doing this, well the answer is simple.

I'll fake my pregnancy and say that it is hundred percent Cedric's, this could be possible because.. one faithful day,  before all this nanny plum nonsense, everything between Cedric and I changed..

Cedric walks through the door obviously drunk on something stronger than the drinks at the bar, but even in his drunken state he looks like the most attractive man on Earth.. I have been holding in my feelings for way too long. Now would be the perfect time to act.

"Cedric?" I whisper softly. He turns his head in a fast motion.

"Yes?" He replied, slurring.

"You don't look so good, how about I get you some medicine in my room?" I ask politely. He looks at me like a deer in the headlights but still nods his head hesitantly.

I slyly smirk and lead him too my room.. let's just say a lot more than getting medicine happened that night.

Replaying the incident felt euphoric but the events after.. not so much..

I wake up with a body pressed to mine. It felt so right. I was going to give up on Cedric but now, now I know this is it for me. I'm staring at him when he slowly opens his eyes..

He takes a few second to adjust to the daylight but when he sees my face, he immediately jumps.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" He shrieked.

This was not the reaction I was expecting.. I thought he'd be happy.. so I decide to act dumb.

"Oh my!" I shriek alongside him.

"How did this happen?" he asks calmer than before.

I pretend to replay events in my head.

"I remember that I was drinking last night and you were too, we were both intoxicated and well.. got carried away." The lie slipping from my mouth as smooth as butter.

He does not respond and rushes out the room..

He never mentioned the incident again, even when I would try to bring it up, he would always switch the topic..

But there's no doubt that I could have gotten pregnant that night and he knows that too, I need to do this, not for me but for him. His love for me and 'his baby' will break the evil curse Nanny Plum has set in him and he will finally realize we are meant to be together.

This is the only way.. so I rush down to tell the rest of the elves the good news.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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