Chapter 3

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I was impressed that Celestica possess the gift to make illusions that seemed pretty rare for anyone of my kin, Mythirel who was her disguised, I thought was dead because she was never heard of since the battle of the five armies was now here in the fellowship. Boromir was keeping his eyes for her but netherless no one can pierce her heart but few tried and still failed when she was accompanied by Thorin Oakenshield along with a few to reclaim Erebor way back then

Supper was closing in and almost everyone was on the table of the fellowship, I sat beside Gandalf and the chair next to me was vacant so was the chair next to Boromir. Aragon seemed to be late and came to the table with a troubled look, almost all of the fellowship was complete but Celestica wasn't there. A white fox sat next to Gandalf whom rubbed him with affection but who did even own it? "Ay, why's there a fox in the table? Is that even allowed!?" Boromir muttered shooing off the fox but it just hissed in reply

"You know provoking my companion wouldn't help in anything" a soft calm voice said, it was Celestica who wore a white cloak and a white dress. Everyones eyes were on her but she just ignored it, she sat next Gandalf and the fox appears to welcome her, I gotta say she's been quiet and my curiousity was growing. Why was she so beauti- I stopped the ridiculous thought since I knew who she was, I won't fall for her, I can't fall for her since she would just give a cold shoulder and it's a long shot. She may have somebody else anyway..

"You know provoking my companion wouldn't help in anything" I spoke, I was dressed in a white cloak and a white knee length dress, almost everyone was looking at me like I was somebody else like Lady Galadriel. I rolled my eyes and sat at the vacant seat next to Gandalf, my companion was being shooed off but Mimosa never minded instead she just replied by hissing and trying to bite Boromir.

Supper had already passed and everyone have started to depart in their quarters, I walked in the corridors staring at the stars. Suddenly I notice someone was following me I unsheathed a hidden dagger and pointed at the one who was following me. It was just Legolas he gave me a shocked look, I raised my eyebrow. What the heck was he doing following me? Now this is getting fishy the person whom I hate was here now following me

"Why in Middle Earth are you following me?!" I still pointed my dagger "Whoa, put the dagger down. I wasn't following you" I wasn't really believing him and I didn't trust this person anymore ever since I met him as my disguised form. "I don't trust you and what then if you weren't following me?" I lowered my dagger a bit and Legolas became calmer but he still had a hint of fright "Well you should trust me, my quarters are only 4 more rooms from yours" He reasoned but I wasn't falling for him, not like what happened back then....

We were deprived from food and water, he led us to the palace. Thorin had an agreement but it wasn't real and I overheard it, the company was bribed with things forgetting where abouts was me and Thorin. Both of us were locked out in the dungeons to die, poisoning was clamping on me with the wound from a Mirkwoodian Spider. Dying slowly I watched hours pass and Thundril along with Legolas get some fun, only Tauriel helped in secret because she knew who I was even with my illusions playing on..

I turned my back and walked briskly putting my dagger back to it's hidden casing "If you still haven't forgiven me that day, can you forgive me now?" He asked me trying to catch up to me but I walked faster, my cloack was viciously flowing in the air as I walked briskly. I was finally near at my door. I ran for it amd slammed it shut, I crashed on my bed. I felt my tears falling slowly, what was wrong with me? Was I crying, no I am never ever I was falling for him, You know who this person Celestica and who he is. You are not the one, he has someone else in his head not you...

A Sheath of Arrows (ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora