Chapter 4

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I awoke with the sun's rays gleaming on me, the morning was pleasant with birds chirping, fresh grass rustling and water flowing but the morning wasn't much of a charm with Sauron's Eye fixed here in Rivendell looking at the ring and the one who can return him back into his physical form even without the ring. I wore a black tunic, cream cloack, dark grey pants and boots, I was secretly armed from head to toe but my only visible weapon was my silvery pearl bow and arrows.

I arrived earlier than anyone besides Gandalf, once all of us were present Lord Elrond came to bless us in our mission.

"The ring-bearer is setting out on the quest to Mount Doom. On you who travel with him, no oath nor bond is laid to go futher than you will" Lord Elrond paused "Farewell, hold to your purpose. May the blessings of Elves, Men and Freefolk go with you" Lord Elrond said as I noticed Legolas was looking at me all the time, which bugged me. Why was he even looking at me!? "The fellowship awaits the ring bearer" Gandalf spoke and Frodo led the group, the mission has now begun...


For hours, miles we all walked although out. My feet were being sore from all of the land we walked "We must hold to this course, West of the Misty Mountains far 40 day journey. If our luck holds The Gap of Rohan will still be open, from there our road turns east to the East of Mordur" Gandalf said as we trekked our way up, we all have decided to rest. Everyone had been bits of busy doing things as I slumped on the rock formation, with a snap of my fingers I turned a small rock into a soft pillow. I sprained myself while we walked but it wasn't a huge deal of sorts, I put on my hood as I sat and slumped on a rock as I silently sang

"Thy love, why are you to flee? A lost heir, running from evil's reach.
Strange things are kept away for a secret is, to hold. One ring to seep, one wisdom's keep.
So long, why are you to keep?
Thine eyes of love is all you need, to mend broken shards.
Of olden times..
Thy love why are you to flee?
I've told you times that your heart is to be mine.
Thy love why are you to flee??"

I ended the song with a soft note silently to myself "I say that's a nice song, I didn't know you sing" I lifted my hood to see Legolas who stood beside me "I know how to sing of course!" I muttered "Where did you learn  the song?" He asked and he looked at me curiously "I learned it from my mother.." There was a long silent pause and I didn't speak nor Legolas did

The song always took back deep memories of my mother in a blurr. I remember her golden curls, sweet soft voice, the white gown that she always wears and the song she used to lull me to sleep but I couldn't remember what she looks like, everytime I tried I only see is a blurr. I cuddled my legs and I heard an unusual sound that seemed like screeching which was a few miles away, I stood up and looked at the sky and I saw a wisp of cloud. I squinted my eyes to see one horrible thing and I wasn't the only one to notice.

"What is that?" Sam asked while we stood trying to figure what in sorts was it "Nothin', It's just a wisp of cloud" Gimli said coolly "It's moving fast, against the wind" Boromir uttered and I finally got a clear view of things they were spies of Saruman "Crebain from Dunland!" Legolas said and everyone was wide eyed "Hide!" Aragorn yelled, I snapped out of things and ran towards a nearby bush. I lied down and I was about to snap my fingers to illusionise myself a patch of grass but someone held my hand restraining it from snapping, It was Legolas. What was with this prince acting like we were close!? It was so odd, I despised him and he was like charming on me but I hardly felt and get affected. I tried to withdraw my hand from his grip, I failed and his grip was too strong. The Crebain neared and was now passing above us with horrible screeches that filled the air.

After they've passed I stood up with Legolas still gripping my hand, his grip only then freed my hand when all of us had already ready retained to stand up and he was smirking while I was puffed in anger. Gandalf looked where the Crebain was heading "The passage of the South is being watched" Gandalf paused shaking his head "We must take The Pass of Caradhras for now" The Pass of Caradhras was something out of the blue, bizzards surrounded the place at these times and there was no choice. I shook my head bitterly as we made our way.

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