Chapter 5

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We trekked the snow and rock land of The Pass of Caradhras, temperature dropped as we ventured deeper into the pass. I kicked my boots playing with the snow as I walked behind Legolas, it was tiring in trekking the mountains.

It was so long since I've climbed one, the last time was when I accompanied Thorin with a litte group to cross the Misty Mountains with Mimosa but I only rode on her true form and I barely walked on my own, Mimosa's true form is an Arctic Wolf but I was forced to use my gift for someone might notice her.

Frodo slipped slightly but regained his position with a little help from Aragorn, he desperately looked if the ring was still with him but it wasn't it fell on the soft snow and Boromir came and picked it up with it's unclasped chain "I hear a faint voice" Boromir uttered as he stared at the ring with a corrupted heart from the greed for the ring, I say he had corrupted his soul with the ring. He tossed the ring back to Frodo continuing our hike

Hours had passed and a blizzard came in the midst of our journey, as time passed little by little the blizzard had froze the fellowship one by one until Gandalf was the only one to resist from the cold keeping on with is tracks while Legolas and Me weren't bothered by the cold with us being elves having immunity on it.

The blizzard roared and the temperature dropped becoming more harsh, Gandalf had stopped walking unable to continue in the harsh cold. Legolas walked ahead and looked afar "There is a faint voice in the air" He said still looking afar, I stood beside him and heard it too. It was Saruman chanting a spell, he was bringing down the mountain towards us. The mountain trembled, the sky turned black, and the blizzard roared, a slight fall of snow and rock fallen at the side of the pass "Gandalf we must take another way!" Boromir exclaimed but Gandalf didn't mind "No!" He declared, Gandalf chanted a counter spell that seemed to calm the mountain but Saruman's chating became more powerful each time. We all stood motionless as Saruman's chanting became far too strong to counter, thunder hit one of the mountain's peaks making it fall above us...

I dug my way out of the snow that had dropped above us, almost all of us were fine except one person, Celestica. Where was she? I looked around but she wasn't anywhere, I found a big heap of snow and dug on it, as I uncovered Celestica who was lying on the soft snow unconscious, I dug her out of the snow until she was unearthed from it "We must make it for the Gap of Rohan, my city there would give us a warm welcome!" Boromir suggested but Aragorn shook his head "If we make it for the Gap of Rohan, we will be too much near to Isildur" "We cannot go over a mountain, we must go under it! Make it for the Mines of Moria!" Gimli snapped and Gandalf gave a bitter look "Let the ring-bearer decide" Gandalf sighed and Frodo was given a wave of shock

"We need to choose a path, we are running out of time lad!" Gimli snapped "We-We'll make it to the-mines" He said stuttering a bit, I carried Celestica who lay unconscious by bridal style. An hour passed since we exitted the Pass of Caradhras, things were quiet "Hey Legolas you look kinda worried" Aragorn said as we traveled

"Tell me your into something" He raised his eyebrow, well typical the supportive Aragorn is here I say. "I'm not into what you think" I said emotionless "Well I say your into something, I know that your inlove with the long lost Lady of Lotherien" I looked at Aragorn as if he had 4 heads, what was he talking about? Celestica wasn't a long lost lady or something... Or is she? She had been quiet at all times since then "You'll know it soon, she will tell it to you or rather Mimosa or even maybe a wizard.." He walked ahead and Mimosa walked at his side, What was Aragorn saying? Another one of his crazy ranger ideas.. Well soon i'll get those answers if it's true or not but for now I must wait, I looked at Celestica with worry and continued to catch up with the fellowship..

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