Chapter 7

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I tried to catch up with Celestica & Mimosa but they ran faster and led me to a rockier part of the path slowing me down, I admit it's not that easy chasing someone who despise you because of your horrible past actions.

I stopped for a while trying to catch my breath, I watched Celestica advance father followed by the fellowship. I whistled a tune calling for my companion, after a few minutes a gray arctic wolf came charging to me with his tail wagging

Uh oh well I say I don't like the look of that, I backed slowly but the wolf was far too fast. It pinned me down playfully and started licking me, I fought back but the wolf was heavier than me.

My companion finally got off me instead ran towards Mimosa and stopped for a while, looking at her with curiousity. Celestica's cheeks were cherry red as she laughed, the others had followed too finding it very amusing. I wiped my companion's icky saliva off me, I whistled the same tune and my compai0nion came to me but this time more obediently and less jumpier. I rode my companion catching up with Celestica

Her cheeks turned red and she stiffled a giggle, I gotta say it's kinda cute when she does that "What's so funny?" I looked at her and she cleared her  throat "Nothing..." She said pulling her hood up "What do you mean by nothing?" I smirked

She pulled her hood tightly, covering her face even more "I didn't know you, know how it feels like to be covered with your companion's grime" She smiled and with a flick of her wrist, her appearance changed. She was Mythriel now, a slight wave of gloom had replaced her sweet smile.

Her illusions always had gotten me thinking why she was so different when in sync with it, it seemed to affect her personality and thinking. I always thought that it was a gift but it wasn't, it was a curse in hiding. It only hit me just now still there were other things just creeping in walls that hid

We reached an odd part of our journey where there was a huge blockage of rocks, everyone halted to see the rock wall that stood "Now what do we do?" Sam asked, breaking the eerie silence "We will find a way to cross over it" Gandalf simply said, Celestica removed her illusion with a snap of her fingers. She had gotten off Mimosa and scanned the blockage

"But how in Middle Earth are we gonna cross? Can't ya see those rocks there're huge!" Boromir exclaimed, raising is eyebrow "I knew we should have made it for-" Boromir was cut off as Celestica started a song, it wasn't any ordinary song but an enchantment.

"Fae of snow, let us pass..
Your realm does not, belong in thee lands
Return home and let us pass, do not doubt for
The one he seeks is here, to free thee lands from
Evil's reach..."
Celestica's song ended softly and one by one, three Fae appeared bowing to her. Each one of them wore the same crystalline patterned dress, only their faces and the way each one of their hair was styled differed on each one of them

"Forgive us. Queen of All, we are too much of doubt. Let us assist you to pass" the Fae chanted sweetly "I gladly accept your assistance" Celestica smiled sweetly and curtsied, the Fae curtsied the back and circled around the blocked path

Snow and thick ice covered the rocks, once completely covered in snow and ice. The Fae voiced an ear shattering tune, making the rocks crumble into fine powder "We are honored to serve you, we must now return to our home" the Trio bowed and disappeared in thin air

I walked ahead with Mimosa at my side, I noticed that they weren't following me anymore. I turned around to see almost all of the fellowship with a shocked expression painted on their faces "Aye, lass you have a lot a explaining to do later" Gimli said and everyone nodded with his statement

After a few miles, we were only a few miled more near to the Mines of Moria but we didn't continue since we had an agreement. Which I hated to bother but they deserved to know since I knew I needed to tell them sooner.

We gathered round and the horror had started "Time to tell us what about's had happened with the Fae" Boromir grumbled, I took a deep breath and began "The Fae addressed me Queen of All since I am actually the lost heir of.." I bit my lower lip, I was unable to continue the last word. It was too painful to say

"The long lost heir of the throne of Lothrien" Aragorn finished and I simply nodded "Lothrien? The center city of the Elves I pressume?" Boromir amusingly said and I nodded, Legolas was shocked with his eyes wide "It means your Celestia, the daughter of Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn?!?" He stated with shock "Yes but I have no memory of my childhood, only a few details were left" I said and Legolas shook his head bitterly

I kinda got rid of the worse case senario of writer's block but I guess, I keep doing cliff hangers well please understand my busy situation :l
On the side you see is what Legolas's companion looks like :D

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2015 ⏰

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