Chapter 6

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I fluttered my eyes open to see myself at a cave, I sat up to see the fellowship sleeping. I streched my arms and decided to go out, as I went out a rocky landscape welcomed me.

There were no sign of snow anywhere just rock and stone, I sigh and a slight breeze greeted me. I stared at the full moon with serenity around me, suddenly I noticed Aragorn standing a distance behind me

"You know, Legolas's been pretty worried 'bout you and more worried than Tauriel's case" I raised my eyebrow and looked at him like he had 3 heads, I always found him weird and supportive to people like almost anyone on the fellowship "Worried?! What do you mean worried Aragorn? He will never worry for someone like me.." He shook his head and continued to stare at the moon "He is falling for you, Celestica"

I was awestruck on what just Aragorn said, Legolas falling for me?! Maybe that's just a long shot or a bad painting if you just look at it, It's fairly impossible forthe Prince of Mirkwood to fall for some long lost Lady running from death

"Aragorn, stop kidding around! Legolas wouldn't fall for someone with a bad history!" I snapped "I'm not kidding Celestia but don't make him regret" he gave me a serious look and I rolled my eyes "Don't call me Celestia, it's Celestica and I never wanted to be a person of that position" Aragorn shugged "Fine then Celestica, sheesh" Aragorn left me going back into the cave where the fellowship relies

I continued to stare at the moon thinking what just Aragorn said 'He is falling for you, Celestica....Don't make him regret' What was he trying to say? I shook the thought and looked at the moon..


The next morning I awoke early, so early that the almost all of fellowship wasn't up yet except Gandalf who was no where to be found. I went out of the cave and Mimosa followed me, her eyes were glowing blue. It was time for her true form to take over, I removed the pendant that was hanging on her neck and a bright light surrounded her for a minute and her fox form was no more but a huge white arctic wolf. She let out a howl and I hugged her, she nugged me back playfully.

I looked in to the sky as the sun was rising to it's place, it's ray's were gleaming making light enter the cave where the fellowship was "Aaah! There's a huge wolf!!" Pippin screamed as Mimosa entered the cave and almost everyone was awake staring at Mimosa with shock.

Mimosa didn't mind instead she change charging to me pinning me down playfully and licking me "Come on! You know that takes alot of washing to take it off!!!" They sighed knowing it wasn't any danger instead they continued to get up except for the Hobbits who were curious

"A true form, is what you see... No need to panic" Mimosa got off me and greeted Gandalf tail wagging at the cave's entrance "What's a true form?" Merry asked curiously as I tried wiping off Mimosa's saliva on me

"A true form is simply the final form of one's companion. There are times that a true form must take over the original form which lasts for months and may last longer if the original form senses it's companion is in danger and use the final form as an advantage to help his or her companion, the wolf you see is simply Mimosa's true form except more playful" Gandalf explained simply and patted Mimosa

Merry just nodded while the rest had continued preparing for our journey which was somewhere I presume as the Mines of Moria. Both a great and horrible choice, first it's great because Balin would be there which was a good thing to see the old fellow friend and secondly it is horrible because there was something else more older in the mines whom I despise and fear for this wasn't no ordinary being...

I looked at Celestica's companion who had a gleaming white coat as we trekked downward. It was a long trip that can take up 3 day's time since we came from the Pass of Caradhras, Celestica had fully recovered from what have happened yesterday but she seemed to be acting odd and strange with her avoiding anyone else besides Gandalf, Aragorn and Mimosa.

Jealousy was creeping with me as I watched her talk to Aragorn about something but it was impossible for her to be with Aragorn besides he has the Evenstar, Arwen and both of them are together. I felt myself urge to find an answer to all my questions while Celestica rode on Mimosa heading ahead of us a bit..


Cliff hanger, and yesh It's kinda evil to keep ya waiting. Anywho I've been having a thing called writer's block, imma drained from inspiration for awhile but I ensure you that i'll give the next chappie ASAP.


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