Glimpse from the past

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Hi everyone! Thank you for your interest in this story. Here's the first chapter of You're Simply The One, I hope you all like it and please continue your support for Risse and Lyndon until the end of the story cause you never know where the good parts will be;-). Happy Reading! ;D

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          "Give out what you most want to comeback"-Robin Sharma.

-Edited by  @ReaderBunny


  I was sitting on a white swing at Granny Lilian's garden, pushing it while I read aloud The Prince and the Pauper. Granny Lilian's garden is picturesque surrounded by a variety of colorful flowers from daisies to peonies worth posting to Instagram.

The wind touched my skin as it blew my long brown hair in its direction. I push my feet from the ground and let my weight be carried by the force I exerted, all while loving the feeling of being free with the wind.

Every summer, my parents drop me off here at my grandparents' place so that I can help out in their farm. My grandparents' house is a two-story white Victorian house, with vibrant colorful interior walls designated at each part of the house. Aside from the garden with swing and gazebo, my grandparents also own a little farm which houses three horses, a few chickens and a pig which I call Porky.

Every morning when I am here, my job is to feed Porky, and the chickens, as well as to also take the eggs -if there are- for breakfast. After having breakfast, I help in the house, and do some of the chores that were not yet done, then I take a bath, and take a book out of the bookshelves lining the wall that serves as a partition between the living room and the dining room. Although I have a study table inside my room -or should I say the room that used to be my mother's room- I prefer to read in the garden at the back of the house. This I consider to be my favorite place in the world.

Granny Lilian is inside the house preparing a snack for me -one which I have requested-. Granny Lilian, although her skin was already wrinkled and some of her hair were already white, was still attractive. She still does her chores diligently, working together with my very kind Grandpa Edward. My grandparents are a great example of a blissful happy marriage, one I would want for myself someday.

I stir from where I am sitting when I felt a hand touched my face. I had fallen asleep.

The boy was stunned when I reacted to his touch. I can't see his face because my eyes are squinting from too much light from the sun and also because my eyes were adjusting from total darkness to too much light. But one thing I have noticed was that his breath smelled like cinnamon -my favorite.

"Who are you?" I said sleepily, but he didn't answer. Instead he ran towards the right side of the house which both surprised and awaken me completely. "Wait!" I stood up immediately, not minding the book which had fallen from my lap. I tried to catch up, but when I turned to the corner of the house where he went he wasn't there anymore.

The scene has shifted.

I am playing with the boy from earlier. I can't see his face completely, but this time the feeling of familiarity is there, yet I still can't figure out who he is. He pushes the swing that I am sitting in and we are both laughing while he continuously tells me funny jokes. He asks me something, but then I don't answer, and pretend that I didn't hear anything. He tickles my side causing me to jump from the swing and away from him but he is able to catch me by my arm and tickles me some more until we are both lying on the green Bermuda that covers the floor of Granny's garden.

"Aren't you going to answer me dear?"

I shake my head. Challenging him more while I am smiling.

"What? You want more?"

"No... Hahaha... Pleeeeeeeaaaaaase.... Stop! Wahahaha."

"I can't hear you." He tickles me more, clearly enjoying my misery.

"Okay! Haha!" The boy stopped tickling my sides and graced me with his beautiful genuine smile which comforts my heart too much I can't explain the feeling. He reaches out for my hand and pulls me up to my feet, then we dance the waltz to imaginary music. He tickles me again, and again, and again until I can't breathe anymore.

"Risse!" Zeke, my flat mate called.

"Risse! Wake up already you're gonna be late for your first day at your new job!"

That's when I realized that everything was just a dream and I am back to the present, away from the mystery boy who makes my heart leap.

Call me crazy but ever since I have started dreaming of him, I started believing that he might be the right one for me and that the higher entity points me to this person for me to find him -if that's possible. One may think that I am weird but then how would one explain to me the repeated occurrence of this dream with the same scenarios and the same boy huh?

I don't know... whether the dream is just a figment of my imagination, a product of my reading or just a pure coincidence, but one thing I know for sure is that If he exists in this world. I pray he does. I hope to meet him soon...but until then... I'll be stuck with crushes just like the one at my side right now.


See you in the next chapter!

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