Zeke for thou

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Author's note: Hi everyone! Meet Zeke (picture above). You may be wondering why I made this chapter, well it's because Zeke will play a great role for us to get to know who Risse is. He will later appear in the story and I wanted you all to have a background of him so stay tuned... hahaha!

-edited by @ReaderBunny


"Damn it, Zeke!" I threw a pillow at his face, or at least I tried to.

"What the hell Risse! I told you before, not my face!" Zeke grumbled when I accidentally scratched his face with my nail after he tickled my sides again. Zeke loves tickling me, he loves making me squeal and lose my breath. Today, out of all the days since I moved here, he chose to wake me up by tickling.

I examined the scratch immediately, scared that I had ruined his beautiful face, the face that attracted women young and old. They adored him so much with his curly dark brown hair cut precisely to enhance his godly facial features. Grayish blue eyes, long lashes, perfect nose, lips to die for, and his fit body hmm...I just want to grab him and lick every inch of him.

Ewww! Disgusting...weh-whut??? Wait.. did I just think that?

Mm-hmm...you betcha girl I heard you crystal clear from up here...

Damn you! Self who thinks she's better than the original!

"I'm soo sorry Zeke!" I said when I saw a scratch with a little blood peeping along the line I've accidentally created. I stepped out of my bed and ran immediately in front of my white, vintage dresser which has a very intricate and elegant looking carvings that holds the three mirrors. I opened my first aid kit. Taking some Betadine, cotton, and a Band-Aid from the container. I rushed towards the bed where Zeke is seated with his right foot under his left thigh, leaning on my white throw pillows with tassels. He's breathtakingly handsome with his dark denim pants, rolled up to his elbows lavender colored dress shirt with its top two buttons undone. The sun rays adding effect on him, making him look like a male model who is currently having a shoot in my bedroom... on my bed...

"HOLY SHIT!" I exclaimed not just because I caught myself fantasizing about my flat mate/best-friend.

Slash your long time secret crush ...

I inwardly sighed, Shut Up!!! Ugh...its just a crush damn it! It's not like I wanna marry him or something!

I exclaimed because as I rushed towards Zeke, completely getting lost in the world of imaginary crushes of Alarisse, my feet lost its communication with my brain as the latter became too clouded with the image of Zeke. It was already too late when I realized I brought my blanket down and my feet were tangled by it, losing my balance and landing on my face onto my beige carpet.

The air in my lungs was knocked out from my embarrassing fall. I closed my eyes and just wished I can just snap my fingers so that I could just vanish from my bedroom just like what Endora and the other witches do in Bewitched. Suddenly, I saw a pair of black socks walking towards me , they stopped in front of me. He bent down close to my level while I was still lying flat down on the carpet with my tank top hitched upward showing some skin.

"Risse?... Are you alright?" He asks, trying so much not to laugh in front of me, but completely failing when I looked him straight in the eye with a look that might say 'what do you think.' He holds my hand, helping me to straighten up.

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