Riding with Mystery Man

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Author's note: Hi guys! I hope you are enjoying this story:-). One Tower looks like the one on the pic above. Truth be told, finding a picture that greatly resembles the one on my mind is very hard. When I saw the picture above, I was like "OMG! this is it!!!" ... that's the story behind it.;)

-edited by @ReaderBunny


"Shit." I muttered while trying to slip the other three inch black pump shoe on my left foot hurriedly. I checked the time again for the second time after I had taken a shower and muttered another curse when I saw the time.

It's a fifteen minute ride to Collins Advertising Co. and my watch says it's already seven thirty. Although Ms. Martha of the HR Department told me to arrive ten minutes before eight, I didn't want to looked haggard when I arrive at the building. I went to my dresser and took the bag I had prepared the night before. I checked myself in the mirror first to make sure that my make-up does not make me resemble a clown. I wore a white chiffon blouse paired with black pencil skirt and black pumps. I had previously decided to pull my long brown hair into a bun to look more sophisticated.

When I was contented with the way I looked, I hurriedly ran to the door. After checking for my keys and making sure the door was locked properly, I ran towards the elevator. I walked faster in the lobby but didn't forget to greet Chris on my way out. Chris is one of the security guards at the condo we are staying at. He's in his early forties and my first friend in this building.

Chris was the one who introduced me to Bart, the taxi cab driver, the one I hired to drop me off everyday starting today at the Collins Advertising Co. so that I won't have a hard time every morning -nice right?

Bart and I have arranged that he would pick me up from the condo and drop me off at work, in exchange, I would pay him what's on his meter plus an additional 5% of the total which he gladly agreed upon.

Collins Advertising Co. is located at the 37th floor of the One Tower, a building which according to my research is made up mainly of glass and steel.

"Thanks Bart. See you again tomorrow." I say happily as I open the door of the taxi cab.

"Thank you too Ms. Ruane, have a nice day!" He replied smiling as another passenger went inside his cab.

I examined the building across the street since I wasn't able to do so the first time I came here. I took in the design of the building and admired it from my location. It has a pointed upper right portion where the line from the right top portion runs downward to the left diagonally. On the upper left corner a line starts and run towards the center and down to the ground making it look like it's been cut by a ninja.

After awhile, I crossed the pedestrian lane to the other side. As I neared the entrance of the building, a security guard greeted me, holding the door open for me. The inside was not what I had expected, it was much more! I was amazed by how beautiful and elegant the lobby was.

There are white U-shaped sofa arranged on the left and the right side of the door with a matching white coffee table contrasting the color of the floor. The floor is covered with black marble tiles with gold lines swirling in it where warm lighted chandelier hanging above and lights embedded on the ceiling reflects on. The front is where the reception area is and where two beautiful blonde ladies were seated. I walk towards the second receptionist whose name tag says Kristine, since the other one, who I don't get to see her name is currently occupied with a phone call, holding the phone close to her mouth as she whispered into it.

"Hello! Welcome to One Tower, how may I help you?" Kristine asked, smiling sweetly at me.

"Um, Hello. I'm the new Junior Art Director of Collins Advertising Co., I'm just wondering if my ID arrived yet."

"Ah yes, you're Ms. Ruane right?" I nodded. Surprised she already knew my name when there are other two new Junior Art Director that were hired by Collins Advertising Co.

She seemed to read my mental question since she smiled and replied, "The others are already upstairs. Your ID is with Ms. Hartell, she's the main receptionist of Collins Advertising Co. You may ask her for it when you arrive at the office." I nodded and said my thanks to her.

I walked faster towards the left elevator and pushed the up button. A few men and women joined me inside the car. All are busy doing their thing. Some were texting, some were talking with their co-workers, and some, just like me, were just listening to an unfamiliar melody of a lazy sexy voice of a woman vibrating on the speakers. As the car goes up the number of the passengers of the elevator decreased until I was the only one left.

The ride stopped at the 25th floor signaling that someone needed a lift. When the doors of the elevator opened, My breath hitched and my eyes grew big as I saw the most handsome guy I've ever seen in my entire life. He was wearing a three piece navy suit perfectly fit to his body like it was tailored exclusively for him. Accentuating his broad shoulders and his big biceps. He stood on his right foot carrying all his weight on it, while the left one was relaxed at the back of his right foot. Both his hands were inside his pants pockets adding to the powerful hot looking alpha male he portrays. His deep blue eyes look at me in a way I couldn't understand. After a few seconds later, which felt like an eternity, he smirked at me showing his dimple.

I rested my hand on my chest to calm my heart without trying not to be too obvious and let him know that he has too much effect on me. As he stepped in the car, my feet instinctively move backwards even though there's enough space for 18 more persons. The funny thing is, that even with all the space I've had given him, Mr. Hot Guy chose to stand beside me making me more uneasy. Unfreakinbelievable.

I remained at my position and not daring to move even an inch. His cologne gave me a sense of comfort like Zeke's even if it's not the same. This contradicts my mind which was telling me he is dangerous. The scent of the cologne was not too strong but was still very manly. I just kept my head down in my entire ride with Mr. Hot Guy on the elevator just to avoid his stares, which are making me blush more

I can't believe this... what the heck was happening to me? He does not even say or do anything.

The elevator signaled the arrival of the car at my floor, and I immediately move my feet forward to get out of here fast. The doors were slowly closing when Mr. Hot Guy stopped it using his left hand.

"Nice riding with you Ms. Ruane, I hope to see you around. Soon." He said.

I turned around and saw him smirking at me at the same moment the door started closing. My mind kept replaying the scene and I can't help but question Who is he? And how did he know my name?


See you in the next chapter!

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